1.1 Explain how legislation,frameworks,codes of practice and policies relating to positive behaviour support are applied to own working practice.
Within our workplace many practices have been put in place to promote positive behaviour. Firstly every staff member is trained in ProAct-Scip UK which controls all our policies relating to positive behaviour support. This is recognised as a valuable learning by BILD. We are taught our legal requirements on what we can and cannot do. If a service user has not had a best of interest meeting to discuss a certain aspect of restraint for example then that restraint cannot be used. Currently at Bangeston only one service user is licensed for ‘supine’ method of restraint. All service users have a positive behaviour support plan in place that is regularly reviewed by key workers and managers.
All service users have’ person centered risk assessments’ which covers the needs of each individual. We use legislation such as Mental Capacity Act, Deprivation Of Liberty Act (05) for safeguards whilst putting assessments and evaluations in place. We also look at Human Rights Act and freedom of choice when setting up personal plans.
We have available to us the Codes of Practice book that was provided by CSSIW regarding all aspects of our work and can be read at any time. Copies are made on request.
1.2 Define what is meant by restrictive interventions.
Restrictive Intervention is defined in the act to mean ‘any intervention that is used to restrict the rights or freedom of movement of a person with a disability including chemical restraint, mechanical restraint and seclusion.
1.3 Explain when restrictive interventions may and may not be used.
Restrictive interventions can only be used when all other strategies have been exhausted and there is a physical danger to service users or staff. With a sound understanding of Scip once our primary and secondary strategies have been met and if the