Assignment 1
In this essay I intend to give a definition of what challenging behaviour is and how this definition could help me to support behaviour. I will identify four types of behaviour which can be seen as challenging in a social care setting, also some internal and external factors that may influence challenging behaviour and why. I will describe two methods of intervention that can be used to support individuals with challenging behaviour. Lastly how behaviour relates to a psychological theory and current legislation.
A definition of challenging behaviour is: ‘Behaviour of such intensity or duration that the physical safety of the person or of others is placed in serious jeopardy or behaviour that is likely to limit or deny access to the use of ordinary community facilities, it would normally be a pattern that presents such a challenge to services for a considerable length of time.’ (Emerson et al 1987) Having and understanding this definition of challenging behaviour helps me to identify what is not challenging behaviour for a service user. Even when a behaviour is difficult for me or other staff to cope with or when behaviour makes me uncomfortable or is something that I do not agree with this is not necessarily a challenging behaviour and the service user should still be offered support by social care staff. For example if a service user refuses to eat with others or at the same time as others this should be respected as their choice and not be seen as disruptive or as non-compliance with the rules. It also helps me to pre-empt or plan for episodes of challenging behaviour and therefore have strategies and responses ready to de-escalate the behaviour.
Behaviours that can be seen as challenging within a social care setting are: Violence and aggression physical, verbal and non-verbal. Non-compliance with rules and boundaries that have
References: HNC class handout, Understanding and Supporting behaviour. 2011 SSSC Codes of Practice for Social Service Workers and Employers 2009 online accessed 29/01/2013 online accessed 29/01/2013