If an issue of challenging behaviour occurs within the Home, staff should try techniques to calm the situation to prevent any further disruption and try to identify any triggers. These techniques may include music therapy, relaxation therapy, complementary therapies and multi-sensory environments. Staff should receive training on these areas and techniques so that if a situation does arise, they're equipped with information and confidence to handle the issues without any further implications arising. If these are successful, the Care Plan must be updated immediately and this information must be passed over to the senior in charge or the General Manager so that it can be passed on to other appropriate members of staff. This will then provide others with the right tools to prevent a situation or to help manage it if one does arise again. The Care plan must be reviewed and updated every time an incident occurs. Restraint can be used as a way to manage challenging behaviour however this should always be a last resort and only if the danger to the service user outweighs the effect of losing their freedom. If restraint is used too frequently or for inadequate reasoning, it can damage a person’s mental and physical well-being; subsequently causing them to become more dependant, can increase the risk of pressure sores, incontinence and loss of dignity. If restraint is going to be used as a last resort, the senior in charge or the General Manager must be informed and must be in charge of the situation at hand. There should be clear instructions of what’s going to happen, to the staff and the resident to avoid further distress and not provoke further action from the service user. The Care Plan must be updated and the family should be informed immediately so that they can be involved in the risk assessments put in place.
A common cause for discrimination is a simple misunderstanding or a lack of knowledge in that certain area. A way of gently