Unit: 27 – Dealing with Challenging behaviour
Course: BTEC National Extended Diploma in Health and Social Care (level 3)
Learner Name (Please enter your name):
Jade Monk
Assessor Name: Jayne Boyns
Internal Verifier:
Lead IV Sampled? (Y/N)
Pre-Issue IV Date:
Assignment Title: 27b
Assignment Ref (if used):
Issue Date: w/c
End Date:
Actual Hand-in Date:
Unit/ AC Ref
Assessment Criteria
Evidence Location
Comments/feedback from assessor
Explain how legislation/guidance applies to challenging behaviour
Suggest strategies to minimise effects of challenging behaviour in health and social care settings
Discuss strategies used to minimise effects of one type of challenging behaviour in health and social care settings
Evaluate strategies for dealing with one type of challenging behaviour in health and social care settings
Learner’s comments:
Learner’s declaration:
I declare that this is my own work. I understand that assignment malpractice such as plagiarism (copying), colluding or other forms of cheating will incur a heavy penalty in line with College and other policies. I have properly acknowledged the books, texts or other material quoted or used in this assignment. I am aware of the college appeals policy and assessment policy in the Student Handbook.
Learner’s signature:
Assessor’s general comments:
Internal verifier’s comments on assessment (if sampled):
Learning outcomes:
2. Understand legislation and guidance concerned with challenging behaviour
3. Be able to contribute to the development of a strategy for dealing with challenging behaviour
Assignment task:
You are starting a work experience placement at a Children’s Centre and your manager has asked you to research legislation that deals with
References: About Psychology. (2015). Understanding body language. Available: http://psychology.about.com/od/nonverbalcommunication/ss/understanding-body-language.htm. Last accessed 6th March 2015. Foundation for people with learning disabilities. (2015). Person Centred Planning. Available: http://www.learningdisabilities.org.uk/help-information/learning-disability-a-z/p/person-centred-planning/. Last accessed 5th March 2015. HelpGuide. (2015). Effective Communication. Available: http://www.helpguide.org/articles/relationships/effective-communication.htm. Last accessed 6th March 2015. Mental Health care. (2015). Mental health act. Available: http://www.mentalhealthcare.org.uk/mental_health_act. Last accessed 5th March 2015. NHS Choices. (2015). Raising low self esteem. Available: http://www.nhs.uk/livewell/mentalhealth/pages/dealingwithlowself-esteem.aspx. Last accessed 7th March 2015. NHS Choices. (2015). What is the mental capacity act?. Available: http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/social-care-and-support-guide/Pages/mental-capacity.aspx. Last accessed 5th March 2015.