At present there is one particular service user, Mrs McA who displays challenging behaviour on a regular basis, and one other who displays aggressive behaviour at different intervals, Mr N.
Both require different techniques to be used to match their persona. Knowing service users, how they react/retaliate, their likes and dislikes are all important factors in selecting techniques. Both carers and the aggressor bring their own unique personal characteristics, so there are no hard and fast rules about how to prevent aggression occurring, or escalating into violence.
Some methods of prevention within practice are the set-up of the area and where service users’ sit. For example, the other day I assisted Mrs R to sit in her own chair rather next to someone else as she has began to be possessive of her space and started hitting out at those beside her.
By giving her her own space, but at the same time having other service users around her in their own chairs ie around the television, she is unable to harm others, but can converse with them if she so wished.
By being near the television, this provides a distraction too.
While on shift, when I witness any situations that have the potential to become difficult/aggressive, I intervene. When I do this, I act calmly, and ensure that my posture is non-threatening. Standing usually beside the aggressor, while maintaining eye contact I’ll ask them “What is the problem?” I always try not to use the word “why” as this can be provocative, incensing the situation. This question has always worked for me as the service user will go on to explain and regardless as to whether they are telling the truth about the situation, I still listen to