Political parties
A political party is an organisation of people who seek to achieve goals that members feel are particularly important, such as giving people better opportunities, creating fairer society, and protecting the environment. The opposition party is Labour party. The UK has here main political parties among many, which are Conservative, Labour and Liberal Democrat. These three parties work in both the House of Lords and House of Commons.
Political parties have numerous important functions including:
Enabling people with similar views about how the country should be run, to come together and campaign for change.
Providing solid source of opposition to the Government, by giving parties that are not in power, the utensils to examine and question the Government.
Structuring the choices available to voters in elections
Political ideology
Ideologies are a set of values and beliefs that can incorporate a range of factors including social, economic and political principles. Ideologies can become political when they are articulated in a concrete form as a programme of action e.g. a political manifesto. In the UK politics there have been numerous leading ideologies but there are five major ones; these include Conservatism, Anarchism, Socialism and Liberalism. These five ideologies have played a significant role in history by determining governments and political movements. However the political ideology of the current government is dominated by New Right ideology. This ideology consists of two elements. These are economic liberal attitude and individual choice and responsibility (Conor Newman, Jan 2008). The way that this political ideology affects health and social care policy includes the significance of individuals taking control over their own health and well-being through decentralisation of services and also the initiation of a superior role third sector (e.g. charities) and private