Unit 5: Novel: The Hobbit
Answer each question in complete sentences unless the activity tells you to list or draw. You should write a quality paragraph (five or more sentences) for each question. Please use a different color of font for your answer.
1. List five characters and describe them.
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2. Write a business letter as a character from the Hobbit. Pretend to be that character. Your letter may be an invitation requesting the presence of someone to a special event that is referred to in the story or to join an excursion. Your letter may be a complaint about the way that a person or group at some time in the novel treated you. It may be a complaint about a problem with some object in the novel. Your letter may be a request or a thank you. Be sure to include all parts of the letter. You may make up the addresses (that should be interesting to see). Be creative, but follow all the instructions for a business letter.
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3. What have you seen or done that Bilbo and his friends did on their journey? Choose five experiences that they had on their adventure so far that you have had in your life. Type the text, and then write a sentence or two telling me about when you had that type of experience.
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4. Decide which parts of the book include the five W’s (who, when, why, where, what) and the H (how). Then write a good paragraph for a newspaper article including these facts.
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5. Prepare a book jacket that illustrates the kind of book as well as the story. You can send it on a PowerPoint slide labeled last name, first initial, En100.23, or you can paste it here. (Please do not send a duplicate of the real book jacket.)
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6. Tell about the most exciting part of the book, being sure to give at least three reasons why you think it was exciting.
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7. Creativity Corner: Cooking with Bilbo. Bilbo served his guests English