Unit 6T A2 Investigative Skills Assignment
Marking Guidelines
2010 examination – June series
Biology - AQA GCE Unit 6T/P/Marking Guidelines/2010 June series
Marking Guidelines are prepared by the Principal Moderator and considered, together with the relevant questions, by a panel of subject teachers.
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Biology - AQA GCE Unit 6T/P/Marking Guidelines/2010 June series
Guidance for teachers marking Biology ISAs
General principles In general, you are looking for evidence that the candidate knows and understands the point required by the Marking Guidelines. It is important to mark what the candidate has written, not to assume what may have been intended. It is also important to make sure that a valid point is in the correct context. Individual words or phrases where the overall answer does not apply to the question asked should not be credited. Conventions The following conventions are used in the Marking Guidelines. A semicolon (;) separates each marking point An oblique stroke (/) separates alternatives within a marking point Underlining of a word or phrase means that the term must be used For example anaphase, the term must appear For example ...... and ........, both items must be present for a mark Brackets are used to indicate contexts for which a marking point is valid. This context may be implied by a …show more content…
Density of planting; Competition for named resource; or Same variety of tomato; Yield will vary with different varieties/with different genotypes; or Water (application); Water needed for expansion of fruit/maintain leaf turgidity/maintain stomatal opening/replace water lost in transpiration/water used in photosynthesis; a b Yield increases by 0.6 kg m–2 (when extra carbon dioxide present); Temperature/light