It is important to take into consideration the physical environment when planning for children’s learning and to create an enabling environment, this is because Health and Safety and Risk Assessments will need to be carried out, in order to ensure it’s safe for the children. For example an outdoor environment, will need to be Risk Assessed to make sure there are enough staff to Children for the ratio and whether the outdoor equipment is suitable for the age range. Having an outdoor environment is essential for children to learn and play. “Playing outdoors is a form of exercise that promotes well-being and wholesome physical development.” [http://www.fisher-price.com]
Having an enabled environment for children is key for children to thrive and develop to the best of their ability. An enabled environment will help the children make relationships with one, building their confidence and developing their social and emotional skills. Forest school supports Early Years practice in many ways, to ensure ‘Healthier Bodies, Healthier Minds, Healthier environment and Healthier Future’ [http://www.muddyfaces.co.uk/], linking with the EYFS in Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Physical Development, Knowledge and Understanding the World, and Creative Development, these are all essential development areas for children at a young age, giving them confidence and building their self esteem. This is beneficial for the children getting them outdoors and understanding the world around them and the community, understanding how things grow, and how it all fits together and a general understanding of life.
The Planning Cycle is key during the planning process as it will help adults identify any issues with the child, this makes sure that they are developing at the correct page and stage, and if this isn’t apparent they the setting will be able to all in other members of the multi-agency team in order to help aid the children in their