All schools in the UK have a health and safety policy, in which they have to adhere to requirements. There are many current health and safety legislations, policies and procedures. These include the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 which was created to protect those at work by following procedures in order to prevent accidents.
In a school setting, it is compulsory to follow the rules of this act. Schools must have an annual risk assessment so that they can determine areas of the school which could be dangerous; the same applies for activities in the school. They also determine the possibility of specific hazards happening and who in particularly would be at risk. Every member of staff in school must always be aware of any hazards or risks which could cause harm on either the pupils, staff or themselves. Staff must check any hazards reported by pupils and report any hazards they notice to the either the Health and Safety Representative or the Headteacher. The school is required to follow the policies of Health and safety, risk assessments and child protection. As well as review its policies and procedures.
The school monitors and maintains its health and safety through many ways. They have routine risk assessments, plus check lists for visits and trips. Before any school trip occurs in this school, each member of staff going on the trip is given a check list to sign of all the potential risks and what to do if one should occur. Staff meetings based on health and safety happen regularly throughout the school term, whether it be training in fire safety or EpiPen training. It is the responsibility of all staff to make sure a child who has received an injury, is seen by the first aid trained staff; a child with injury must also receive an accidents and incidents slip.
It is important to make sure that anyone coming into the school setting, (whether it be a volunteer or visitors), is told of