Greetings friend I have just received your email and again have come up with some suggestions that might be a great benefit to your situation with the printers. I see that most of your employees have purchased their own printers and are now printing excessively especially personal things on the weekends.
For the simplest method what we you can do is limit a group of users to one printer. So you say that you have 150 employees, well we can make 5 groups of 30 people and limit one printer to each group. You will have 5 printers in total and only the specified users in that printers group will be allowed to print from that printer. This way we can greatly reduce the need for excessive printers in your office and better manage printing access. This link will give you a simple walkthrough to limiting and restricting printer access. Link-
My second suggestion would be to buy dell printers that have Color Track. Color Track is a management tool that comes already embedded in Dell Laser Printers which helps with better color management. Color Track lets organizations to monitor and limit access to color printers and is targeted to business and offices. One of the best features to this is the password enabled usage that only lets the users that know the password to print in color. If you are looking for a great management tool to better control the ink cost and monitor who is printing in excessive, then I would highly recommend investing your money in a Dell Printer with Color track. This link is highly detailed in what Color Track had to offer. Link-
I hope that my suggestions will help you in your office and if you have any questions or concerns then please contact me. Phone- (123) 456-7890 Email-
Brian Bautista