President Bush took office, pledging to prioritize Latin America, declaring, ‘The best foreign policy starts at home … We’ve got to have good relations in the hemisphere,’ promoting a policy of ‘freedom and free markets’ (Leogrande, p. 358, 2007). This pledge lasted less than a year, however, as the attacks on September 11, 2001 took precedence, subsequently leading to the deterioration of relations with Latin America. Bush turned Latin American foreign policy over to the assistant secretary of state for Western Hemisphere Affairs, as he and his national security team channeled their attention to the budding War on Terror. The bilateral relations were continually strained, however, US relations with Venezuela were especially tense (“Global”). Socialist Hugo Chávez was elected president of Venezuela in 1998, marking the collapse of the country’s party system. He made it clear that revolutionary changes were in store, and has since been notorious for verbally berating the United States- strongly opposing neoliberalism and globalization, including free trade and capitalism (Farrell, p. 1, 2010). “Chávez was one of the
President Bush took office, pledging to prioritize Latin America, declaring, ‘The best foreign policy starts at home … We’ve got to have good relations in the hemisphere,’ promoting a policy of ‘freedom and free markets’ (Leogrande, p. 358, 2007). This pledge lasted less than a year, however, as the attacks on September 11, 2001 took precedence, subsequently leading to the deterioration of relations with Latin America. Bush turned Latin American foreign policy over to the assistant secretary of state for Western Hemisphere Affairs, as he and his national security team channeled their attention to the budding War on Terror. The bilateral relations were continually strained, however, US relations with Venezuela were especially tense (“Global”). Socialist Hugo Chávez was elected president of Venezuela in 1998, marking the collapse of the country’s party system. He made it clear that revolutionary changes were in store, and has since been notorious for verbally berating the United States- strongly opposing neoliberalism and globalization, including free trade and capitalism (Farrell, p. 1, 2010). “Chávez was one of the