RESPECT HAS BEEN a distinctive US Army value since 1778 when Frederick William
Baron von Steuben noted that a US officer.s first objective should be to treat his men .with every possible kindness and humanity..1 So it was not surprising when the US Army identified respect as oneof its seven values. In 1998 respect language gave the Army a powerful way to organize ongoing discussions about discrimination and harassment.2 The previous year.s headlines had been filled with allegations of appalling violations of respect. The inclusion of respect as a value along with loyalty, duty, selfless service, honor, integrity and personal courage sent a strong message that respect for others should be an integral part of US Army leadership. The US Army Training and Doctrine Command. (TRADOC.s) initial definition of respect, .treat people as they should be treated,. provided little guidance for defining the characteristics of this core component of Army leadership. RespectinFM22-100 As the capstone leadership manual for the Army, US Army Field Manual (FM) 22-100, Army Leadership, gives a concrete definition of respect in Army leadership. 3 It emphasizes character, principles of Army leadership and Army values and provides a clear, understandable doctrine to guide soldiers as they strive to become and develop as .leaders of character and competence..Despite its stated mission, FM 22-100 fails to explain how respect is unique to Army leadership and what it looks like in practice. In fact, these issues are never addressed. Its brief discussion of respect is framed in language borrowed from philosophy and management theory without considering whether that language is adequate for Army leaders. Applying respect to leaders. interpersonal skills and practical judgment.what leaders .know and never specifically explored.
Should we conclude that respect in the Army is no different from popular versions of respect? Most professional soldiers are acutely aware of a