What factors contribute to a workplace being considered "Toxic"? The United States Postal Service has suffered a number of incidents throughout history that speaks of the problems within its organization. Many of its problems are caused by a lack of motivation and teamwork within the organization. This paper will cover the history of the United States Post Office, which will provide an account of how the Post Office has evolved over time. This paper will give a background of the various positions of the various postal workers, along with the work environment. It will provide an in-depth account of the lack of motivation and teamwork within the Post Office, as well as …show more content…
some of the theories that address the problems of teamwork and motivation. Lastly, this paper will cover alternatives and possible solutions to the lack of teamwork and motivation within the Post Office. From this paper, the reader should: gain a better understanding of the problems within the United States Postal Service, determine why it is considered a "toxic workplace", and see the alternatives and solutions to fix the problems.
Introduction The purpose of this paper is to give you an understanding of the problems and implications of the lack of teamwork and motivation within the United States Postal Service. This paper will include; a brief history of the organization, the work environment, problems within the organization, applicable theories, as well as alternatives and solutions. By reading this paper you will gain a greater insight on the problems that face the Postal Service today, and perhaps use this information to prevent, or perhaps minimize, problems within other organizations.
The United States Postal Service first began moving the mail on July 26, 1775, when the Second Continental Congress named Benjamin Franklin as the nation 's first Postmaster General. In accepting the position, Franklin dedicated his efforts to fulfilling George Washington 's vision. Washington, who championed a free flow of information between citizens and their government as a cornerstone of freedom, often spoke of a nation bound together by a system of postal roads and post offices. The Postal Act of 1792 further defined the role of the Postal Service. Under the act, newspapers were allowed in the mails at low rates to promote the spread of information across the states. To ensure the sanctity and privacy of the mails, postal officials were forbidden to open any letters in their charge unless they were undeliverable. Mail was moved in a variety of ways during the early years as well. Steamboat, the Pony Express and railroad were easy and fast ways of moving large amounts of mail. The Act of March 3, 1863 also established a free delivery system to people living in cities. Further acts of Congress have revolutionized the mailing system into what it is today. Now called the United States Postal Service, or USPS, delivery has expanded to more than 150 million homes, businesses and Post Office boxes in every state, town, city, and borough in the United States. The USPS delivers more mail to more addresses in a larger geographical area than any other post in the world (Weeks, 2010). The USPS now employs over 574,000 workers and operates 215,625 vehicles. It is the 48th-largest employer in the United States. The USPS is the operator of the largest vehicle fleet in the world. The USPS is legally obligated to serve all Americans, regardless of geography, at uniform price and quality. The USPS has exclusive access to letter boxes marked "U.S. Mail" and personal letterboxes in the United States, but still competes against private package delivery services, such as UPS and FedEx (United States Postal Service, 2011).
Postal Work Environment Postal service employees usually work as carriers, clerks, sorters, or mail processing machine specialists. Clerks assist customers inside the post office while processing specialists sort mail entering and leaving the post office. Carriers deliver letters and packages to all urban and rural regions of the country. Postal Service clerks, commonly referred to as window clerks, sell stamps and other postal products, such as post office boxes, and weigh packages to verify shipping rates. Mail processors, sorters, and processing machine specialists, often know as handlers or processing or distribution clerks, sort and process mail entering and leaving the post office and mail processing centers. According to Harper and Emmert (1963, p. 217), the official job of the letter carrier is to sort incoming mail for those on his route, to deliver it, to collect mail deposited in collection boxes along his route, and to perform various duties associated with these activities. Working in mail sorting and processing can be physically exhausting since workers move heavy bundles of mail in bags or carts and are on their feet most the day. The sorters and processors often work evening and weekends since mail is usually sorted in the evening. The job can also be stressful since strict deadlines must be met. Carriers usually begin the day early in the morning. Carriers delivering in the business quarter sometimes must be at work by 4 a.m., and carriers working in the city frequently work overtime. Carriers spend most of the day outside covering routes in good and bad weather, and although injured can occur from slipping on an icy street or being attacked by a dog, most carriers’ injuries result from lifting heavy loads and constantly bending joints which can cause carpal tunnel syndrome (Career Search Database.com, 2011). Why is there so much stress and workplace tragedies in the U.S. Postal Service? The answer to these questions is because the postal culture embraces and reflects core values that center on achieving bottom-line results with little or no regard for employee participation, respect, dignity, or fairness. Additionally, there is little or no accountability for the actions of top management in the Postal Service. Many postal facilities consequently have toxic work environments, which can be a catalyst or trigger for serious acts of workplace violence, including homicide and suicide. The associated rewards system for behavior consistent with the postal culture core values, moreover, enables systemic organizational and individual bullying of employees at all levels of the organization. The Post Office has been referred to as a "Toxic Workplace". A toxic workplace environment can be defined as a workplace where there is a high incidence of stress-related illnesses. These stress-related illnesses are manifested by psychological and physical deterioration. In other words, these types of environments seriously erode employees’ health and well-being. The primary factors contributing to a toxic workplace environment are high job demands, low job control, and low social support. Low social support generally entails a lack of respect and validation of employees’ dignity by their “superiors”. It also oftentimes includes organizational practices and methods that encourage the bullying of employees to meet corporate goals (Musacco, 2010).
Lack of Teamwork and Motivation Motivation and teamwork within the Post Office has been a problem throughout the past and continues on into the present. Many of the jobs within the post office rely upon these two elements in order to function properly. Many of the machines and processes require a group of individuals to work together to accomplish a common goal. Other than the wages of the employees and some discounted benefits there is little to keep the employees motivated to do their jobs. Supervisors and worker are constantly stressed by the numerical goals that are placed upon them by upper-level management. Little time off is given throughout the year and especially during the holiday season when mail delivery is in its peak season. The Post Office lacks in its employee recognition program, causing little incentive for any worker to do beyond what is required of him or her as a minimum. Many of these issues are the source of the teamwork and motivation problems within the Post Office. In a report conducted by the National Center for Addiction and Substance Abuse (2000, p. 4) it was stated that postal employees have more negative attitudes than employees in the national workforce about work, coworkers, and management. Overall, postal employees are twice as likely as employees in the national workforce to accept a job offer from a different employer with the same wages, retirement and fringe benefits. Postal employees are more likely than other government employees to accept such an offer. Postmasters and rural carriers appear to be nearly as attached to their current employer as the average worker in the national workforce. Half of city carriers, and mail handlers would likely accept a job offer from another employer. The Post Office suffers from many issues regarding teamwork and accomplishing a team concept. These problems are rooted from many different issues throughout the company that seem to cause the employees to work against each other, as opposed to working with each other. Many environmental factors affect their willingness to work together including stress imposed by supervisors, reduction in workforce, little time off, inadequate facilities, problems with equipment, amongst many more. The lack of teamwork is the results of many other even bigger problems that plague the company. Problems with motivation go hand in hand with the problems associated with the lack of teamwork. Managers cannot achieve a motivated workforce if their workers are not happy about where they work and what they are doing. Simply expecting people to come to work and do their best takes more than just paying them to do the job.
Some of the theories that address the problem of motivation within the United States Postal Service will be the need hierarchy theory, as well as the goal setting theory. According to Greenberg (2010, p. 162), the need hierarchy theory identifies five different types of needs that are activated in a specific order. This theory states that a specific one of the needs cannot be activated unless the need below it has been fulfilled. Various workers throughout USPS are at different levels within the needs hierarchy theory. The next theory concerning motivation is the goal setting theory, which refers to the process of setting goals in a manner that motivates workers to raise their performance (Greenberg, 2010, p. 177). Within the U.S. Post Office the goals set forth by management has at times been seen as unobtainable by its employees, which in turn causes a lack of motivation, and stress within the workplace. The goal setting theory, if used correctly, can motivate employees and achieve better results. In regards to the problems of teamwork within the U.S. Postal Service the theories that will be investigated are team building, social facilitation, and social loafing. Many of the processes within the U.S. Postal Service require the use of teams. Team building is essential to overcome signs of trouble, such as high turnover, or reduced performance. Social Facilitation states that people have a tendency to work better in the presence of others than alone, and vice versa. This is used at times within the Post Office for some of the various tasks that need to be performed. According to Greenberg (2010, p. 258), social loafing occurs when one or more individuals from a group or team does not contribute their fair share and "just goes along for the ride." This occurs all the time in the Post Office, especially since the workers are part of a Postal Workers Union. This union protects them from many of the punishments and repercussions that the mangers would like to impose. The Union ensures that many steps are taken prior to any sort of disciplinary action, giving the employee many opportunities to fix themselves prior to being terminated.
Alternatives and Solutions When it comes to building and repairing the team concept within the Post Office teamwork, organizations often rely on it for continuous improvement of their products and services, and also of all other organizational functions. For example, some estimates claim 80% of companies with 100 or more employees rely on teams and groups for their everyday work. Team effectiveness is important because it is one of the most important determinants of the companies` success.
Effective teams are teams who can achieve high standards of task performance, and reach high levels of satisfaction for their members. Previous studies found that positive work group experiences and effectiveness can enhance employees’ satisfaction and minimize turnover intentions (Judeh, 2011, p.203). After a team has started working together there can be conflict. Some people feel their ideas are not being heard, and others feel that their ideas should always be part of the team 's solution. There could also be a struggle for leadership of the group that can threaten to diminish the group 's effectiveness. The element of conflict resolution within a team means leaving room for everyone 's contributions, developing the ability to listen to all ideas and creating a method of consensus that is used to develop a solution the team can agree on. A team is only effective when the members understand their roles and responsibilities within the group, and endeavor to execute them effectively. Each member is assigned a part of the task based on his role within the group and his level of …show more content…
expertise. One of the strengths of teamwork within an organization is the ability to bring together differing points of view to create a solution to an issue. According to Penn State University, an effective team creates solutions that are manufactured from the many different perspectives of the individual group members. This helps to see a situation from several different angles, and can create a solution that no one individual could create on his own (Anderson, 2011). A tight knit team is a group of competent individuals who care deeply about each other. This type of team is fiercely committed to the mission, and is highly motivated to combing it 's energy and expertise to achieve a common objective. From the observation and studies on teamwork in the workplace, it was found that three primary conditions have to be met in order to attain higher levels of team performance and member satisfaction: Resources and Commitment, Ownership and Heart, and Learning. These three conditions are the heart and soul of teamwork. These conditions are not a blueprint. Each group is unique, and the specifics and details of teamwork have to be worked out separately (Stowell, 2005). Motivation within the Post Office can be improved in a variety of ways.
Some of the main factors that are at the root of motivational discourse are the content of work, extent of employee participation in organizational decisions, and the core extrinsic incentives of wages, promotion, fringe benefits, job and post-employment security. It has been suggested by Bishop (1987, p. 56), that increases in productivity within companies are directly related to increased wages, and also by the use of merit-based pay. Although, the strongest motivator is self-actualization, that is, the desire to maximize one 's potential, fulfill oneself and use one 's abilities to the fullest. Research has shown that organizations that effectively manage human capital find that motivation and commitment to individuals has increased their performance and hence improving performance of organization (Bhatti, Waris, Zaheer & Kashif-Ur-Rehman,
2011). One of the ways to achieve that is to create conditions in which workers see a promising future in their workplace. This will make them see themselves as part of the enterprise. Therefore, in addition to improvement of wages, other extrinsic conditions of employment such as promotion, job security, gratuities and pensions, and human resource development through training should be built into the organizational plan. Training, whether within or outside the enterprise should not be provided as an end in itself. Training should lead to improvements in the life chances of workers through placement in higher positions coupled with commensurate financial remuneration. This will induce them to remain in the enterprise to use the new skills. Training programs that deal with firm-specific skills, in particular, will help to bind the worker to the organization (Ukaegbu, 2000, p. 318). There is a serious motivation gap between what people feel passionate about outside work and what their bosses want them to feel passionate about at work. This is a potent cause of staff turnover, low morale, low productivity and a host of other problems threatening the future success of all large businesses. The motivation gap is growing, despite billions of dollars spent on intense efforts to solve the crisis training, seminars, coaching, books and research, almost entirely based on old self-obsessed models of human behavior. The huge ‘motivation’ industry grew up around such things as self-realization, self-development, self-fulfillment, self-awareness, self-regard, self-respect and self-actualization. There is an urgent need to find a different way of motivating people, one that captures all the passions they have and connects with what 's really important in their lives (Dixon, 2005, p. 169). The problems with a lack of motivation and teamwork in the Post Office begins with, and can be repaired by the management. The managers at the Post Office have the ability to change the work environment, attitudes, and culture within the organization. Musselwhite (2007, p. 46) suggests that a manager’s first priority is making sure that each employee is in the job best suited to her skill set and professional aspirations. This means taking the time to get to know his people. This can be a challenge for those managers who naturally focus more on the job than on the person doing it. When employees feel that managers care more about the work than about them, they may feel insignificant. Equally, when an employee feels that his manager is as concerned about him as he is about the work, he is far more likely to display trust that is characteristic of high-performing companies. In addition, when managers take the time to create this sense of trust among employees, they gain invaluable insight into what motivates each employee. What motivates one person may do nothing for another. If a manager really knows his people, he will know that while Joe may feel recognized by being assigned as the manager of a large project, Jane might feel more achievement from a more hands-on role in producing the end result. Having this individual knowledge is critical for a manager to be able to effectively motivate. Make sure that managers understand the importance of starting each project clearly, stating the desired end result and parameters for achievement. Once clear expectations are established, it is critical that managers provide the latitude to let people determine how they are going to achieve them. By nature, people are problem solvers. Managers like to figure things out and determine how things are done, especially when they’re the ones charged with doing it. When managers give people the opportunity to provide input into the work process, they create buy-in and a sense of ownership. People who feel ownership of their work are likely to find work more meaningful than people who have no say in how goals are accomplished. And meaningful work is much more motivating. Recognizing this natural human drive to be a part of the solution is a critical first step in motivating people (Musselwhite, 2011, p. 48). Conclusion In conclusion it can be seen that the Post Office is experiencing many issues within it 's organization, which mirrors a lot of the same issues that so many other organizations are going through. The issues with a lack of teamwork and motivation within the organization can be repaired with a change in methods and even some sacrifices on behalf of the organization. The implementation of the correct methods and procedures can have a huge impact on not only these two major issues, but also lead to a major increase in production. If workers are happy about where they work and are happy to be there, then they will put forth their best effort at doing their job. This will also lead to an increase in loyalty to the company and will have workers wanting to do everything possible to help the company grow and succeed. If other business ' utilize these methods they too will see a drastic increase in workplace teamwork and motivation, which will in turn lead to building a successful business.
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