They worked harder than other people and achieved their goal. They believed just because they made it that the rest of their lives are set. they never even consider all the sports injuries that could happen and how it crushes athletes dreams. In the united states there are about 30 million children and teens participate in some form of organized sports. More than 3.5 million of them get injured each year. Almost one-third of all injuries that happened in childhood are sports-related injuries, and the most common injuries are sprains and strains. Death from sports injuries are rare but if they do it is usually brain injuries. More than 775,000 children, 14 years and younger, are in hospital emergency rooms for sports related injuries each year. Most of the injuries happened because of falling, being struck by an object, collisions, and overexertion during unorganized or informal sports activities. The highest rate of injuries happen in sports that involve contact and collisions. 62% of them happen during organized practices. In basketball 170,000 kids between the ages of 5-14 were treated for basketball related injuries. In baseball and softball nearly 110,000 kids between the ages of 5-14 were treated for baseball and softball related injuries. In football almost 215,000 kids between the ages 5-14 are treated for football related injuries. In soccer 88,000 kids between the aes -14 are treated for soccer …show more content…
It is said that some professional athletes using drugs has been acknowledge as a problem since at least the 1960’s. There has been many issues and arguments over drug use in sports. When one person on an athletic team is found guilty of using drugs then the whole team can be disqualified. Some of the professional athletes in the olympics were also using drugs, that is why drug testing was introduced at the olympics in 1968. A breakthrough took place in 1983, when newly developed technology for analyzing the blood for drugs was created. Of the 21,849 drug test conducted at the summer olympics from 1968-2008 there was a 105 cases of drugs violations. There has been 22 positive results from 7,783 test conducted at the winter olympics between 1969 and 2010. Most athletes that use drugs don't die, but the first known case of an athlete dying because of drugs occurred in 1886. When the welsh cyclist Andrew linton died during a race from paris to bordeaux. The drug he used was suppose to ease pain and raise stamina. When professional athletes use drugs it tells high school kids that they can use too, and that it is fine. That is why 20% of high school students said that their decision to use steroids/drugs was influenced by professional athletes, and nearly 50% said that professional athletes influenced their friends decisions. According to a survey by