that had brought the wealth to the sport weather its jerseys, tickets, and audience. The effort of the Anti-Doping agency putting an end for athletes taking and getting PEDs is quite pathetic. Teenager in sports can lead to taking Performance enhancing drugs because of the potential for success (Atik). Performance Enhancing Drugs has been a thing that players in that sport has come around of in their career. Performance Enhancing Drugs has led to players being suspended from 50 to a lifetime suspension depending if the player has done it more than 1 time. Steroids PEDs help players to catch up to their opponent build speed, stamina, and strength (“Advantages of Steroids and PEDs”).
Performance Enhancing Drugs is steroid that increase muscle mass and lower body fat in an athlete’s body.
This is used for to get advantages such as strength and stamina (Smith). If Performance Enhancing Drugs were allowed the sport then there will be no suspension to players that have been accused of taking Performance Enhancing Drugs for example, Barry Bonds, Sammy Sosa, Mark McGwire that had set records which no one can achieve in betting it (Smith). Barry Bonds, Sammy Sosa, Mark McGwire has a set a foundation for base and what it has become for example the most homers and the furthest homerun that has ever been hit in MLB historty. As the sport becomes more competitive players will need to compete with other players if they want to stay in the sport and team. Athletes needs to hear if where do they stand on and how can they take …show more content…
The use of Performance Enhancing Drugs saves valuable time and money for the team and the athlete himself.
Athletes are limit on what to use this is taking the excitement of the sport and player. The athlete job is to perform better and not to underperform, with the increase of performance drugs used will also increase its tickets sell since this is a business they are talking about (Smith) The cost of increasing a athletes performance is too much money when a simple dose of performance enhancement drug is way cheaper than valuable machinery to enhance a athlete skill in the sport. As more and more people are switching one sport to another because of the entertainment such as American football which only 1,868, are test and only 111 are test positive for the use of performance drugs (Gay). The number of dope cases in the Olympic are unreasonably low out of 26,000 players only 119 players are tested positive from 1968 to 2012 (“Doping Cases at the Olympics, 1968-2012”). As for weightlifting 36 are tested positive out of the 127 in sport in the spring Olympics. (“Doping Cases at the Olympics, 1968-2012”). The athletes are now looking towards the use of performance drugs since it's much easier to perform better and have better
Performance Enhancing Drugs PEDs is a widely used drug that gives the athlete an advantage which is really difficult to put an end to (Smith). The golden age of baseball was taken back in the 1990 till the early 2000’s which the Performance Enhancing Drugs was something that most players were usually taking and was common (Smith). Jose Canseco is someone who ended the Steroid era admitting the use of PEDs with Barry Bonds, Sammy Sosa, and Mark McGwire. This had ended baseball with fewer home runs more strikeouts this made the audience to dislike baseball because it’s boring (Smith).
“Ask anyone with a decent knowledge of sports and current events, and they will tell you: doping in sport is a problem” (Ashby). The sport is where it needs to be at right now with the ban of steroids PEDs. Athletes that had used steroids and been caught while using it have been through rough times and the fans disliking the player feeling as if they betrayed its fans (Ashby). “The threats of using steroids is repercussions, including affected liver, endocrine, and reproductive function, tumors of the liver and kidneys, heart conditions, and psychiatric symptoms” (Ashby). Steroids can be used more than the recommended dose. Steroids are used with a mixed with other steroids meaning athletes will take more than different steroids at a time (Ashby). Athletes failing a race or a game can lead to intake more steroids where it can lead to more serious problems (Ashby).
Performance Enhancing Drugs are very beneficial to not only the players but the sport organization. The sport can attract new audience and maybe the old audience from the players being as if they were machines hitting the ball so hard that it will amaze the audience (Lemco). If cigarettes are legal and players are allowed to take cigars why can't they take steroids since they both have long term health effects? The sport is getting old and needs something new to refresh it here and there. That Performance Enhancing Drugs are called for a reason it enhances the player body, giving lance Armstrong the ability to out cycled his competitors and made Barry Bonds Hitting 762 home runs (Lemco). Professional athletes are being put into a cell because of their health (Lemco). That is what made the athlete so they can put their life on the sport and see what he is truly made out of (Lemco). Banning PED just to so the player cannot increase its performance just doesn't add up (Lemco). It's not for the purpose of the sport, it is for the audience to entertain them (Lemco). It cannot be argued that Performance Enhancing Drugs increased the popularity of MLB and maybe had saved the sport. The comparison from game 7’s in 2001 and 2002 which had 39.1 and down to 30.8 million. The present framework has consistently neglected to set up a level playing field for the world's most capable competitors. Sanctioning steroids, doping and other execution enhancers would at long last set an even bar, and that would simply be the first of many advantages (Smith).