The urbanization process has resulted in forested area being replaced with impermeable surfaces such as tarmac. Before urbanisaztion, the forested area will intercept rainfall and promotes greater sub-surface transfers via its root system. The presence of vegetation is another factor that would affect the flows within the drainage basin. Vegetation would intercept rainfall, decreasing the amount of rainfall reaching the surface. Also, it decreases the intensity of raindrops hitting the ground, thus it is more likely to infiltrate and percolate into the ground. Vegetation also loosens soil to make larger air space between the soil particles. Thus, more infiltration and percolation will take place and through flow and overland flow are both relatively low. More infiltration and percolation will result in greater base flow augmenting the normal flow of a river. Through infiltration
The urbanization process has resulted in forested area being replaced with impermeable surfaces such as tarmac. Before urbanisaztion, the forested area will intercept rainfall and promotes greater sub-surface transfers via its root system. The presence of vegetation is another factor that would affect the flows within the drainage basin. Vegetation would intercept rainfall, decreasing the amount of rainfall reaching the surface. Also, it decreases the intensity of raindrops hitting the ground, thus it is more likely to infiltrate and percolate into the ground. Vegetation also loosens soil to make larger air space between the soil particles. Thus, more infiltration and percolation will take place and through flow and overland flow are both relatively low. More infiltration and percolation will result in greater base flow augmenting the normal flow of a river. Through infiltration