• Mercantilism o Economic system used in 1500s to 1700s o Nation’s power was directly related to its wealth
• Incentives o Motivational factor
• Balance of Trade o Relationship between a country’s imports and exports o Country with favorable balance of trade makes money by exporting more products than imports
• Navigation Acts o 1651 ~ 1663 by Parliament o All goods coming from Europe or Africa to colonies had to travel on British ships manned with British crew o Colonies remained profitable
• Goods must be carried in English ships
• Captain and crew must be English
• Everything shipped to colonies have to go through England so they can tax it
• “Enumerated Articles” - Merchants have to pay tx, duty o Effects
• Increased revenues
• Increased costs of law enforcement in America
• For colonists
• Demand for ships stimulated certain industries
• More English involvement in colonial affairs
• Colonists smuggling goods
• Refuse to pay taxes
• Glorious Revolution o Nonviolent revolution o Britain’s Parliament invited Mary and her husband to replace King James II
• English Bill of Rights o By Parliament o Set limits on monarch’s powers o Protected freedom of speech; control of taxes o Effect on colonist
• Uprising; rebel
• Confederation o Group where members keeps control of its own internal affairs o Cooperate on issues: defense
• Salutary Neglect o Idea that colonies benefited by being left alone, w/o much British influence o Impact
• Colonial gov. gain independence
• Triangular Trade o Trading networks o Goods and slaves moved among England, American colonies, Africa, West Indies o Africans → sugar and molasses → rum
• Middle Passage o Voyage brought enslaved Africans across Atlantic Ocean to North American and West Indies
• Cash Crops o Agricultural products grown to be sold o Ex. Tabacco, Indigo, rice o South: tar, rope, turpertine (maintain wooden ships)
• Stono Rebellion o Rebellion by 100 enslaved