2. Read "Why Manufacturing Matters" (pg. 14) and submit written responses to Questions 1 & 2.
3. Read "Wegmans Food Markets" (pg. 33-36) and submit written responses to Questions 1-3.
4. Read Chapter 2 (pg. 40-63)
5. Read "Home-Style Cookies" (pg. 67-69) and submit written responses to Questions 1-7.
6. Read "The U.S. Postal Service" (pg. 70-71) and submit written responses to Questions 1-7.
Pg. 14
1) The loss of manufacturing jobs in the United States is extremely important. As this article states, when manufacturing jobs are lost so are service jobs. For every manufacturing job lost to things like outsourcing, 3 service jobs are lost. Not only are the people doing the manufacturing losing jobs, but also the people that service the factory such as the maintenance crews and packagers. With all of the work that is transferred, the intellectual knowledge associated with it is lost over time. Having a service based economy is a problem.
2) The government can certainly take steps to reduce the manufacturing loss. I would suggest that all levels of government put in rewards programs for not outsourcing to other countries. I do not suggest tax cuts though, because that is important revenue for the government. But what I would suggest is steeper taxes on companies that do move offshore.
Pg. 36
1) Customers judge a supermarket by a few different things. Most importantly they judge a supermarket by the product’s level of quality and the level of service they receive. Other things people might judge a supermarket by include size and variety, as well as whether or not the company is environmentally responsible.
2) Customer Satisfaction- Without customer satisfaction there is no customer. A supermarket needs people that are willing to shop at their stores. Continually having happy customers will lead to great sales.
Forecasting- This is essential to a supermarket especially because of shelf life of a product. Stores need to have