‘‘Use and misuse of technology in higher education’’
The use of technology in higher education has become a very critical point in Schools, Universities, and many other learning institutions. Teachers, school educators however found it very helpful to increase the number of students attending colleges and provide a better way of learning. Mind you, students now can attend colleges no matter where in the world they are located. They can apply to colleges, register for classes and even attending the classes distantly. Despite all of those good things that are possible due to technology, some students fall deeply into using it in an abusive manner. They have become more and more dependent on technology to do their school works. In classroom, many students are armed with iPads, laptops, tablets and other electronic devices. Furthermore, studies have shown that many students interact more with these devices than with the books. Consequently, they get distracted and lose their focus in the class. Yet teachers are in disagreement with this invasion which is technology in classroom, they are also working very hard to come up with other methods of teaching that will help these students to be more focus and lessen their attention on their daily routine which is using their toys while in class. While this war is on between digital native (young people who have grown up in immersive computing environment) digital immigrant (people who have yet to learn how to use a computer), thinkers are analyzing the issue and come with answers that will help proving that technology in higher education can be misused and at the same time useful in higher education. To expand the topic, the following lines will discuss the misuse of technology in higher education, its use; also give some recommendations that will help student be more successful in their education
. First, technology is misused by some students are hacking into the school severs, using