James W. Tysinger
Office of Medical Education, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, 5323 Harry Hines Boulevard, MC 9065, Dallas TX 75235-9006-9065
Edward P. Armstrong
College of Pharmacy, University of Arizona, Tucson AZ 85721
The purpose of this study was to determine first-year doctor of pharmacy students’ computer backgrounds and attitudes. Fifty students completed a survey that assessed their computer experience, types of software used, and attitudes about computers. The majority of students (70 percent) had used a computer at least once a month in the previous year. Most (54 percent) had home computers; however, 40 percent said they relied on a school-based computer laboratory. Software use ranged from a high of 80 percent (word-processing) to a low of eight percent (statistical package). About half (46 percent) said they could use a spreadsheet. Regardless of software they used, students categorized themselves as novice users. Most indicated positive attitudes about computers, but 22 percent said they were apprehensive about learning to use computers. Students viewed computers as important parts of their professional education, but appeared to want courses that included both computer and human components. These findings suggest that faculty should consider differences in students’ attitudes about and experiences with computers when planning computer-based course assignments and developing computer-based instructional innovations.
Pharmacists now use computers to perform many critical patient care tasks(1-2). For example, they rapidly access patient and medication data(3), perform critical non-distributive activities(4), and document their actions (1,5). The likelihood that pharmaceutical computer applications will expand in the future(6) has been reflected in curricular guidelines that suggest Doctor of Pharmacy graduates “apply computer skills and
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