Chapter 1:
As we know, the Organon was founded by Samuel Hahnemann. The first and second aphorisms speak of how modern medicine does not cure nor really treat chronic disease. The treatment is systematic. There are many side effects involved with modern medicine. The cost of this medicine is also very high. This leads to more expenses due to more medicine needed to help correct the side effects caused by the initial medicine. Using modern medicine leaves both the patient and the practitioner dissatisfied.
When it comes to the crisis’ that face modern medicine, homeopathy has the best answers. Homeopathic remedies can help improve a patient’s life on all levels. It works on a deeper plane, which causes the patient …show more content…
Homeopathic remedies help to improve and strengthen the vital force. A comparison between homeopathy and conventional medicine shows that a patient recovers faster with homeopathy and has far less recurrence of disease and much less need for antibiotics. Miasms are later used for genetic therapy.
Chapter 2:
Health and healing are based on the vital force. This vital force animated the body and maintains harmony. Without the vital force, the body would be an inert corpse. The vital force resists diseases. The vital force is not physical, it is energetic. If healthy enough, it repels morbific agents that are not too strong. In the elderly, the vital force may be weakened, in chronically ill patients, malnourished patients and those suffering from trauma.
In children, the vital force is strongest. Hahnemann says the vital force may be strengthened through healthy food, water, pure fresh air, exercise, energy and meditation based practices. The overall susceptibility to disease is decreased by increasing the vital force …show more content…
Psychoneuroimmunology was developed by modern medicine, which states that emotions have an effect like chemicals which can be synthesizes and analysed in the lab.
Healing is the removal of pathology according to allopathic medicine. The connections between mind and emotions, body and spirit are acknowledged in homeopathy, where allopathic medicine focuses on morbific agents that cause disease.
Like Yin-Yan, homeopathy sees life in terms of balance. Science and biology were founded by Koch and Pasteur. Homeopathy can control and prevent epidemics of fatal disease. Increasing the ability to resist microbes and other disease triggers by strengthening the vital force increases the patient’s overall wellbeing.
A balanced state of body, mind, and spirit is known as health. By eradicating miasms and balancing the vital force, is how remedies prevent chronic disease. Nutrition and lifestyle were highly acknowledged by Hahnemann. This patients must be educated about a healthy lifestyle. Modern medicine fights against the vital force, which drives the present disease deeper inward.
Stages of healing include:
1. Local – the disease