April 15, 2013
University of Phoenix
Statistical Information
Statistical information is gathered in a multiple ways. Information is received and compiled into reports to be translated into a simpler more understandable form. The purpose of this paper is to Identify the types of statistical data collected in a workplace setting, including the information is collected, and to discuss the advantages of accurate interpretation of data.
When explaining statistics in a work place a little background must first explain a little about the company. First Coast Service Option is a contracted company for Medicare. Medicare (CMS) is a federal program in the United States of America that is a health insurance program for people over the age of 65, people over the age of 65 with a disability, or people of all ages with end-stage renal disease. Medicare has many sections but the parts directly connected to Medical review is Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B. Medicare part A works directly with the large corporations like the hospital as a company for a prescriber this is hospital insurance and Part B is more the physician as an individual this is medical insurance. Medicare provides medical coverage for over a 100 million people. First Coast Service option services a Medicare claims for Florida, Puerto Rico, and Virgin Islands. A Utilization review (UR) nurse decides what level of care is necessary and appropriate for patients. We make decisions to either approve or reject a diagnostic test, medication, or a specific treatment (cms.com).
Statistics are used in most work settings for many different reasons. In the medical review setting statistics are used for various reasons like tracking a specific claim or a specific type of claim, Shareholders satisfaction, or employees’ satisfaction to name a few. The staff that provides results to the entire corporation performs these studies and evaluations periodically, depending on the
References: Bennett, J.O., Briggs, W.L., & Triola, M.F. (2009). Statistical Reasoning for Everyday Life (3rd ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Retrieved from: www.cms.gov. Taylor, C. (2011). Levels of Measurement. Retrieved from: statistics about.com What are Inferential Statistics retrieved from: wisegeek.com