Statistical Analyses
BSHS 435/Research and Statistics in Human Services
June 1, 2015
Summarization The article “Free Web-Based Statistical Analysis: A Viable Option for Human-Service Agencies,” describe the benefits of statistical analyses to determine the appropriate web-based system for a human services agencies. The main article focuses include data analysis, descriptive statistics, inferential statistic, the internet, and web-based statistical procedures for human services agencies. The article provides an in-depth description and benefits of the web-based statistical procedure. Some examples discuss “the shortage of available procedures and help files. The outputs copy of desktop statistical programs and …show more content…
how outputs can be copied and pasted into agency documents (Quinn, 2011).” Also to the benefits, the article observes the disadvantages with a free web-based statistical analysis. An example included “the inability to save data and the lack of knowledge about statistical procedures (Quinn, 2011).” In conclusion, free web-based procedures are reasonable and useful for a human service agency unable to afford the high-tech expensive statistical software.
Statistical Analyses
The article describes many statistical analyses of human services agencies, such as inform decision making, practice evaluation, program evaluation, and funding request.
Some of software designed for statistical analyses included “Statistical Package for Social Sciences, which offer the ability to collect, organize, analyze, and produce a table with statistical information (Quinn, 2011)”. However, this type of software can be expensive and over the allow funding budget for a human services agency. Another option a human services agency can use Microsoft Excel for statistical analyses. Microsoft Excel for statistical analyses can be complex; if the agency staff members are unfamiliar with how statistics works, spreadsheet formulas, and spreadsheet functions. Web-based statistical analyses program is another option for a human service agency since many of their services include free statistical methods. However, there are some precautions with using free online web-based statistic. For instance, a human service agency would need to consider whether the “analytical meeting the needs of the agency, and the usefulness of the output to the agency (Quinn, …show more content…
Descriptive and Inferential Statistics
Descriptive statistics is a class of statistic that includes summarizing, organizing, graphing and quantitative information.
Descriptive statistics is provided for each row and column, such as totals, row percent and column percent of the total. Inferential statistics includes procedures that allow one to draw conclusion or inference from data. For a human service agency choosing the appropriate web-based statistical program will be migrated from storage to the interface on the website. With free web-based statistics program a human service agency data can be saved in a word processing document, in a spreadsheet, or in a database. However, one disadvantage with free web-based statistical procedures cannot store data. Therefore, if a human service agency needs to produce data, a staff member of the agencies would need to reprocess the data for reanalyzes and reenter the data. Using a free web-based statistical procedure has it benefits. For example, there are several website that offer descriptive and inferential statistic for a human service agency. Next, many of the website contains information about the statistical procedures, which is a help to a human service agency. Finally, data can be copied and pasted into reports and other
The article provided insightful information on the free web-based program for a human service agency. For a human services agency that have individual staff members trained in statistical analyses free web-based programs would work well; this would save the agency thousands of dollar on software. However, free web-based programs would not work well for an agency who uncomfortable in understanding statistic may find these sites unapproachable and the outcome burdensome. I believe the author description on the free web-based program, were insightful and unbiased. Throughout the article, the author provided useful website to support his theories on free web-based programs.
Quinn, A. (2011). Free Web-Based Statistical Analysis: A Viable Option for Human-Service Agencies. Journal of Technology in Human Services, 224-231.