Refection piece using John’s Model for Structured Reflection (3)
Description of experience
The aim of the behaviour change was to follow the recommended diet for a pregnant woman and ensure all essential micronutrients were being consumed, paying particular attention to folate, iron and calcium. (2)
I decided to tackle this by eating as I usually eat, but eliminate food items which have been deemed unsafe for pregnant women. I chose this tact as I believed my diet was meeting my requirements for both macro and micronutrients and was closely aligned with recommended servings in The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating. (1)
Upon reflection of the first day’s food record, I saw that my diet …show more content…
was inadequate. I was not meeting the serving suggestions for most of the food groups and I was lacking in calcium and iron. So, the next day I concentrated on hitting the targets for calcium and iron. It was a full day of classes at University, so I had to make sure I ate a lunch that was rich in iron and had servings from the required food groups.(1) Usually when I have a full day at University, I’ll have a large breakfast at home and if I do eat between classes, it will be a piece of fruit. I chose a lamb and lentil curry, which is high in iron and also contains calcium. After eating I felt very full and did not enjoy the meal. By dinner time I was still full and not looking forward to dinner, but knew that there were still nutrients I needed to consume and food groups I had to have serves from. Before bed that day I felt very uncomfortable as if I had eaten far too much food. But everything I ate was in line with The Australian Guide to Healthy(1) eating as well as the Nutrient Reference Values set out in Australian guidelines for pregnant women.(2)
On Friday I woke early in the morning for work and had a family wedding in the evening. I was unable to eat anything for most of that day as it was so busy. For the first time since starting the diet, I thought about alcohol as it was being served all around me and I was constantly asked by staff and family if I wanted a drink. Having to politely say no to people all night and explaining to family members that I wasn’t actually pregnant, was difficult and frustrating.
Influencing factors
The reason I decided to not pro-actively ensure that my diet met the requirements for a pregnant female, was because I truly believed by eliminating foods that were a potential source of listeria, mercury, vitamin A, alcohol and caffeine, my diet would closely meet the necessary guidelines.
My theory was incorrect and I realise that to meet these requirements I would need to do a lot of planning and pre preparation of meals and find times to eat them. The external factors that influenced my decision making were environmental and physical. I ate what was available at the time and was limited by this.
Alternative strategy
Doing this diet again, I would put far more time into planning what I was going to eat and when. By not taking a proactive approach to your daily menu, it is left up to what is available in fast food options, which are often large greasy meals that you cannot be sure of preparation and ingredients.
To meet the necessary requirements, a pregnant woman needs to eat a large amount of food and plan and pre prepare meals. It was confronting when faced with a social outing that alcohol was a big presence in as it would be very difficult for someone who is in the early stages of pregnancy and not wishing to disclose
(1) Australian Government, Department of Health. Australian Guide to Healthy Eating. Canberra, Australia 2014. Available from:
(2) Australian Government, National Health and Medical Research Council. Nutrient Reference Values for Australia and New Zealand
(3) J, Graham. C, Johns. Using a Reflective Model of Nursing and Guided Reflection. 1996; 11(2): 34-38.