MED 7710 DIS B2T.01
March 23, 2013
Resource #1:
According to the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, each and every ESL, LEP, or ESOL student must be technology literate by the eighth grade. This is the same provisionary standard for regular education students who speak English on a first language basis. With this Act in place, it puts high expectations on our students and educators. With this high expectation comes a high usage of technology targeted to our ESL students. (Svedkauskaite, Asta) Some advantages of technology for ESL students is that they have full control of their individual learning experience. They can control their speed of learning, autonomy, their time spent on a specific skill, and it even allows them to create a secret identity. Technology usage for ESL students is something that can greatly benefit the students with their learning. With the laws stating that they must be proficient by 8th grade, it is extremely hard to match that law, however, it is greatly beneficial to our ESL students. (Svedkauskaite, Asta)
Resource #2: Four studies that revolved around ESL students competency in regards to Reading, Writing, Vocabulary, and Verbal interaction resulted in the conclusion that technology greatly increases an ESL’s knowledge. These studies were conducted by Liaw (1997), Kang and Dennis (1995), Landerholm, Karr, and Munshi (2000), and Mireia Trenchs (1996) with each of their individual studies concluding that ESL students get more out of a book online, than actually reading it in their hands. (Ybarra, Renee and Green, Tim) With benefits come problems. The biggest problem facing technology usage for ESL students is that they must be close to proficient to even understand how to use a computer and search using English. Most technology teachers within schools don’t have enough time to support the ESL students in learning strategies that regular
Cited: Svedkauskaite, Asta: North Central Regional Educational Laboratory. Written June 24, 2003. Reviewed March 23, 2013. Ybarra, Renee and Green, Tim; Using Technology to Help ESL/EFL Students Develop Language Skills. The Internet TESL Journal, Vol. IX, No. 3, March 2003. Reviewed: March 23, 2013 Masterson, Mary: Use of Technology with ESL Students. Reviewed: March 23, 2013 from