80-89 A B paper is clearly above-average and more than meets the requirements of the assignment. Like the "A" paper, it has a clear thesis and organizational strategy; and each paragraph provides unified, coherent, and developed support for its thesis and subordinate assertions. If necessary, it properly documents sources. While the essay takes some "risks," attempts complex strategies of development, and pays attention to audience, it falls short of the "A" essay in one or more of the following ways: the thesis may not be as interesting or insightful; there may be weaknesses in organizational strategy or its execution; the support may not be uniformly conclusive and convincing; and the style may not be as energetic or the diction as thoughtful. The essay shows strong evidence of editing since there are relatively few grammatical and/or mechanical errors.
70-79 A C paper is average work that solidly meets the requirements of the assignment. The essay has a thesis and organizational plan which demonstrate thought on the writer's part, a generally clear style, and adequate documentation, if required. Paragraphs contribute unified and coherent support,