Valley Technology Inc. is a part of the computer storage industry that initially offered a tape drive portfolio of products, which provides backup and recovery capabilities, and it has recently introduced a network attached product which is dedicated to file sharing only. The company encountered dilemmas regarding the most appropriate alternative that would be best to resolve their plan of reducing the company’s overall cost, specifically with the tape storage division. The top management has decided to conduct a reduction in force (RIF), which would constitute an involuntary turnover. Before deciding on the final list of the employees who would be laid off, the division’s managers assured that they followed the selection criteria, and the list was subject to a legal review before implementing the lay-off. This strategy is beneficial for the company to continue with its operations efficiently and effectively which would enable it to attain profitability; however the company needed to practice open communication with regards to such matter in order for the retained employees to perform well and to move forward from such issue.
I. Statement of the Problem
How will Valley Technology Inc., specifically its tape storage division, deal with the cost reduction in its workforce with regards to maximizing profitability and preventing any involuntary turnover in the future?
II. Objectives
1. To determine several alternatives that would help alleviate the possibility of involuntary turnover in the future 2. To know the significance of technology in today’s market 3. To know the impact on how unionization of the workforce will affect the company 4. To strengthen the essence of open communication in the workforce 5. To know the impact of downsizing with regards to certain legal aspects 6. To be able to find ways on how to exceed excellence in the workforce’s performance and maintain