Value Chain and Supply Chain Analysis
Global value chain is described as activities companies use to bring out a product and share its conception from the beginning to the end. Design, production, marketing, distribution, and customer support are activities included in this process. The production of goods and services are value chain activities that are found in large geographical areas or different locations. The term “global value chain” means that value chains are divided in multiple firms and spread throughout wide geographical locations. Global value chains are organized by international production, trade and investments with different stages of production processes. Companies have been motivated to restructure their international operations through outsourcing and other activities off shores. Production of goods or services involves processes that are complex and need sourced activities globally. Global value chains are known as these complex processes because they tell how these products or services are distributed over international borders. Multinational companies play a major role in the development of global value chains by making decisions on where to source. Global value chains have also been a part of in the global economic and financial crisis.
Global supply chain management is a supply chain consisting of all of the businesses and contributors who creates products from raw materials and turns them into merchandise. Supply chains can include manufacturing, design, packaging, and transportation. In global business, supply chain management requires involvement in politics, international relationships, trade laws, and quality control. Global supply chains can be complicated both logistically and technologically allowing management specialists to oversee different processes. Customers’ values are also maximized and businesses are able to gain a competitive advantage in their industry. Production,
References: Mentzer, J., Stank, T., & Myers, M. (2006). Why Global Supply Chain Management? Phadnis, S. (2012, June). Allstate invests over $100 million in India annually. The Times of India.