Education in the largest sense is any act or experience that has a formative effect on the mind, character or physical ability of an individual. The word education is derived from a Latin word educare which means to "bring up", which is related to educere "bring out", and ducere, "to lead". Therefore education means to bring out potential to lead.
Education is the transmission of civilization. Sculpture is to a block of marble as education is to the human soul. Instruction ends in the school-room, but education ends only with life. Practice is the best of all instructors. The fruit of liberal education is not learning, but the capacity and desire to learn, not knowledge, but power.
Systems of formal education
Education is a concept, referring to the process in which students can learn something:
• Instruction refers to the facilitating of learning toward identified objectives, delivered either by an instructor or other forms.
• Teaching refers to the actions of a real live instructor designed to impart learning to the student.
• Learning refers to learning with a view toward preparing learners with specific knowledge, skills, or abilities that can be applied immediately upon completion
• Systems of formal education o 1.1 Preschool Education o 1.2 Primary Education o 1.3 Secondary education o 1.4 Higher education o 1.5 Adult education o 1.6 Alternative education o 1.7 Indigenous education
o 2.1 Curriculum o 2.2 Learning modalities o 2.3 Teaching o 2.4 Technology
Education is the process by which society deliberately transmits its accumulated knowledge, skills and values from one generation to another.
Importance of education:
Education is as important as the air we breathe because it is our weapon to conquer the world. It is the most important possession a person must have. Education is beneficial in many aspect of life especially, personal and social it is the only possession that cannot be taken away from you.