They were usually stuck living off of bread, beans, and rotten potatoes. On rare occasions, Miep brought them strawberries and cake to celebrate special holidays like New Years. However, the group had a very restricted food supply for eight people, so everyone was extremely hungry and desired more appealing meals. Furthermore, Mr. Van Pels was caught stealing bread when everyone was asleep. This pushed Mrs. Frank over the edge. She was furious that he was taking food that didn’t belong to him when the children were getting thinner by each day. Everyone started turning on one another just because someone had more food. This is proof of how important the food was for …show more content…
Some of these rules included not going outside or even looking out the windows. From 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. everyone hiding in the Annex were completely silent. They removed their shoes to ensure that no workers below them could hear their footsteps. Since there were workers below them during the day, they only flushed the toilet and burned trash at night, after the workers went home. It was their top priority to remain undiscovered, so everyone remained cautious and froze every time a car drove by or stopped. The group was well aware of the dangers of being discovered by the