I completed the Visual, Aural, Read/Write, and Kinesthetic (VARK) questionnaire and my results were pretty amazing. My learning style is more Aural with a score of 13 but, it is very closely followed by visual at 12 and Kinesthetic at 11. Since Aural is my front runner on my learning style I can relate to Social Learning and then the Behaviorist theory due to visual and Kinesthetic closely behind Aural. I mentioned above that I was more Aural and I can relate to Social Learning, which Albert Bandura states in Social Learning Theory “behavior is learned from the environment through the process of observational learning.” (www.simplypsychology.org)With that statement, Aural to me is seeing how to get things done; looking to others to show you how to accomplish certain tasks or just understands “why things are the way they are”. I personally have never been a good reader; it has always been easier for me to learn either by someone showing me how to do it or by me breezing through slide shows. In my life, I have always been better with seeing instructions then me having to read instructions. Having kids, I noticed how much they pick up from me just from seeing what I do. I love to watch my oldest play soccer and to show him new foot skills or the coaches teach him new stuff is already leading me to believe that he too will be an Aural type of guy.
Behaviorist Theory is my second theory that my VARK results would relate too. The term behaviorism refers to the school of psychology founded by John B. Watson based on the belief that behaviors can be measured, trained, and changed. (http://psychology.about.com/od/behavioralpsychology/f/behaviorism.htm) With Kinesthetic and Visual my next top two, Behaviorist Theory fits well as far as looking at others or to the environment to learn. Again, I take it back to my kids and how they watch what I do and learn from either what I teach them or from their own mistakes and me teaching them what are right. Being