The property that becomes most important this study is that oxytocin is thought to modulate social behavior in a variety of species, including humans and rats. Vasopressin, also known as Arginine Vasopressin or AVP is also a hormone that is released by the pituitary gland. I acts to promote the retention of water by the kidneys and increase blood pressure. Vasopressin is, on some cases considered to be the antagonist to oxytocin, although that is not the properties it is being used for in this type of study. Both vasopressin and oxytocin effect aggressive, affiliative, and sexual behavior, making them prime hormones to study in relation to social behavior. Current research is being conducted on these two hypotheses in order to determine the roles that these hormones have on social behavior and how stress affects social behavior and these two hormones. Vasopressin and oxytocin are studied in regards to social play because of their roles in behavior. In a study done by De Souza et al. in 2013, the number of oxytocin and vasopressin neurons were altered in adult rats due to prenatal stress, as were their social …show more content…
Another step in this field of research would be to identify a hormone that is causing an increase in stress and suppress that slightly so that the individual could experience good stress, but not be overwhelmed by it. Many people are still dealing with stress disorders and there needs to be an effective solution to cope with this. Prenatally stressed people or people that experience early life stress are doomed for the rest of their lives to live under the shadow of their past. Research needs to be conducted to figure out a way to stop these illnesses before they happen. Even though a great deal of research has been done on stress, a major topic that remains fairly untouched is how to effectively deal with stress in a healthy way. There are many methods to help reduce stress including exercise and meditation, but there is still a gap between what is causing stress and stopping stress. Many stress and depressive related illnesses still exist and it is imperative to conduct research to help people overcome their stress and lived more fulfilled healthy