Final Project
Submitted by:
Winter 2013
In partial fulfillment of the requirements of this course, you are required to develop an application that calculates the power received by an antenna located at a distance d from a transmitting antenna. The necessary data to calculate the power received will be provided by the user by means of an input box. The power received calculated by your application must be reported in units of decibels (dB) and units of Watts (W).
The steps for the use of the program we created are really simple. First of all you need to place the parameters on an input box the program will display and then just press the calculate button.
When you open the excel document, first of all you need to click the button that says “PROCEED”, then you will have a sheet with two buttons and a reference box with tips and information for the program.
If you click on the button “Welcome Sheet” the program will just return to the main page, the one you see when you open the excel document. The other option is to continue the program and click on the button “Input Data” doing this a input box will show and ask for 5 parameters in an specific order.
After placing those values, they will be displayed on the sheet, and a new button will show up, “Calculate Power” if you click on it the program will do the calculations and show you the results of the calculation along with a chart.
Program Plan
Program Plan
Option Explicit
Public Worksheet As String Public workS As Worksheet Global PValues(4) As Double Public PRdb As Double Global c As Long Global Watt As Double
Sub WelcomeNext()
'Proceedure to close welcome page and go to Input_output
Worksheet = "Input_Results" Call InputN(Worksheet) 'clears cells Range("H17:n19").Clear Worksheets("Input_Results").Activate