Gary Yourofsky is a vegan activist. He is a strong speaker on the issue. Gary has given over twenty three hundred speeches across the country. In his speeches he presents the argument against consuming food made from the innocent slaughter of animals. He details horrible cruelty that is inflicted upon these animals. While Gary delivers this message he shows the listener an alternative lifestyle that doesn’t involve the consumption of animal byproducts.…
Over the course of mankind, “meat has been closely associated with power and privilege—a staple for the gentry and a rare treat for the peasants” (Ruby, Heine 448). Linking back to Campbell’s 1940 beef soup advertisement, beef is illustrated as a “For MEN Only” diet. There is a possibility that the ad’s secret message conveys’ females as being vegans’ since “people’s perceptions of vegetarians found that women were more accepting of vegetarians than men (Walker, 1995)…” (447). Furthermore, “[women’s] attitudes toward vegetarians were predominantly positive, especially among those [that scored] low in authoritarianism (Chin, Fisak, & Sims, 2002), and that omnivores tend to rate vegetarians as good, but weak people (Monin & Minson, 2007).” (447). In other words, women and vegetarians are seen as inferior compared to those who eat meat – though this is seen a generalization/perception in society. On the other hand, vegetarians are also perceived as people that have “a stronger sense of virtue and morality in those who abstain from eating meat” (450), since they abide by “four principal reasons: concern for animal welfare, concern for the environment, concern for health, and disgust at the sensory qualities of meat (e.g. Fox & Ward, 2008; Santos & Booth, 1996; Worsley & Skrzypiec, 1998).” (447). For males,…
More medical proof has been released about veganism that says it is beneficial and more bountiful than that of our standard American diet. As American’s we are used to french fries, burgers, and milkshakes as our go to dishes. These foods are now being recognized as detrimental to our health over time and/or with persistency. Our culture is rated as a sick and overweight culture. Healthcare is costly in our nation and our food is the cause of this. In 2012, according to the California Healthcare Foundation, the United States spent $2.8 trillion on healthcare. Everyone knows someone who is sick and this is because fast food joints…
The Omnivore’s Dilemma, by Michael Pollan, attempts to figure out how such a simple question as, “What should we have for dinner?” (Pollan 1), turned out to be so complicated such that we need investigative journalists to tell us what is in our food. To do so, he went on a journey to follow all three food chains that sustain us today: the industrial, the organic, and the hunter-gatherer back to their origins. Although these journeys may have led to very different paths, there was one underlying theme that linked them all: the tension between logic of nature and industry. For every step industrialization takes, natural forces push it back to balance it out. Even so, industrialization has found a way to keep up with nature’s work by breaking through its cycle in order to thrive and profit. The work of industry is undeniably compelling. The Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) alone has made meat so cheap and abundant that most American families can afford to eat it every meal. Industry makes this happen by feeding cows and steers large amounts of cheap federally subsidized corn, which the cows never evolved to eat. The result of this poor diet is simply a hoard of sick cows due to the acidity the corn produces in their stomachs. To counteract this problem, industries turned to antibiotics. Medicines that were created to treat diseases are now a staple ingredient in a cows’ fodder, as an attempt to treat this acidic imbalance. Pollan explained the irony in this situation: “Here the drugs are plainly being used to treat sick animals, yet the animals probably wouldn’t be sick if not for the diet of grain we feed them.” (“The Feedlot: Making Meat” pg. 79) The power of industry lies in its ability to manipulate and twist the work of nature and to break closed cycles within nature. It has stripped the evolution of the rumen and its relationship with grass and has transformed cows into corn-fed machines. However, it doesn’t…
Daniel Engster begins his argument in the “Care Ethics, Factory Farms, and Moral Vegetarianism” section of his article by claiming that we have a responsibility to care for the animals we make dependent upon us. He continues to explain the deplorable conditions of factory farms and that the animals raised for meat are not properly cared for. Engster gives responsibility to not only the workers and overseers of factory farms, but…
“Some people become vegetarians after realizing the devastation that the meat industry is having on the environment.” (Vegetarian Times)…
Ever since the beginning of human race, meat has been a primary source of food. From our ancestors hunting animals for meat, to our generation going into a fast food restaurant and ordering a cheeseburger, meat has always been a huge part of our food consumption. Today there are certain groups that look at meat industry as a slaughter house. They do everything in their power to “stop animal cruelty”, as they put it. This story, “Carnal Knowledge” revolves around this dilemma. It’s a story of a man whose perspective on meat changes throughout the story after he meets Alena Jorgensen, a Vegan.…
The Vegetarian Myth, written by author Lierre Keith, tackles the ever-heated question: To eat animal products or not to eat animal products? I add the word “products,” after animal because the book should more properly be called the vegan myth. As a former vegan of over twenty years Keith comes from a place of experience, or as she might have it, a bitter experience. Feeling betrayed, in denial, and physically ill from her vegan years, she has made it her goal to reveal the truth and put to rest the Vegetarian notion that abstaining from animal products is the righteous path that is morally correct, will feed the hungry, and lead to greater nutrition. Chapter one, titled “Why This Book” will be the focus of this analysis because it gives an appropriate introduction to Keith’s…
i. Regan suggests that by basing the case for vegetarianism on animals’ rights Singer could dish out with the need to investigate systematically the likely consequence of changing our eating habits.…
Two days alter, the local newspaper, The Evening Telegram, carried an article how a Mrs. Sara Hand, at approximately 11:15 on the night of November 28, had deliberately placed her head in front of the wheels of a train that had stopped in a Long Island Rail Road Station, so that the wheels would pass over her neck and decapitate her when it started. Near the body…
Industrial farmers appear to be more concerned with massive profit margins, than they do with producing quality food in providing meat and vegetables: “The cruelty of the factory farms—the cages are small, the slaughter is violent” (Foer 67). Spiritually, I cannot tolerate the brutal methods of animal treatment, which industrial ranchers and meat producers tend to follow in the 21st century. Therefore, it is important to follow an ethical version of the Standard American Diet, which provide the healthiest and most ethical production of food for human health. I believe that all living things should be treated with respect and reverence for what they provide, which sustains my own life through the sacrifice of their own. These are important aspects of the omnivore diet, which can be sustainable in the modern world. I follow a code of ethics in terms of how animals should be processed for consumption. The problem with eating meat is not necessarily eating the meat itself; it is respecting that another life form has given me life. This is why I support organically produced foods that will be processed through ethical farming methods within the general framework of the Standard American…
Today’s world is filled with media that aims to influence its viewers. However, not all media is true. Websites and articles try to persuade their viewers that being vegan is what consumers need to do to end animal cruelty. One such article that discusses this matter is Animal, Vegetable, Miserable by Gary Steiner. Steiner claims that meat eaters are self-righteous and commit mass murder against animals (846). However, several articles have proven that Steiner’s claims are false. These articles include: Defense of Eating Meat by Timothy Hsiao, Vegetarian Diets and Bone Status by Katherine Tucker, and Animal Protein Good for Health by Amanda Radke. In addition, the movie Temple Grandin portrays that feedlots have improved the treatment of cattle…
It has been argued that meat has high sources of energy, minerals, and proteins in the human diet. It is rich in proteins which have shown to have a high energy unit as compared to other food types. Proponents of meat consumption support its consumption as it has a greater nutritional value and is good to the test buds. Apart from the nutritional reasons, it is also thought meat consumption maintains the ecosystem at equilibrium. If meat consumption was to stop, it is thought that animals like cattle, sheep, goats and poultry will multiply to levels that are ecological disastrous. As most of these animals are herbivorous, their uncontrolled increase would exert extreme pressure on vegetation. This may cause wanton destruction to vegetation that may destabilize the ecosystem. In as much as these arguments appear logical and plausible, they still do not give any moral permissibility of eating meat. Just like any reason in support of unacceptable practice, proponents of eating meat do not give any solid ethical justification why humans should continue killing animals to please their test buds. There is no moral justification whatsoever to rationalize the eating of meat.…
Vegetarians do not eat any meat but still consume egg and dairy products. However, the egg and dairy industry may also raise their animals in poor conditions, even organic, free-range, or “certified humane” farms. The male infant laying hens “are invariably killed as soon as they have been sexed” because they have “no commercial value” (Mason and Singer 279). Price could still arise as an issue for many because similar to the free-range and certified humane meat, these types of eggs and dairy products are also generally more expensive. “Veganism is a sure way of completely avoiding participation in the abuse of farm animals” which is what Singer believes is the only sure way of avoiding the unethical implications of eating factory farmed food (Mason 279). Singer gives compelling evidence and asserts that going vegan, despite the other alternatives, is the only sure way to avoid taking part in the abuse of animals. Since vegans do not consume any animal based products at all, they completely ensure that they are not promoting the abuse of farm animals anywhere in the production process. He further maintains that no matter how drastic the change away from supporting the factory farming industry could be on the individual at first, not doing so simply because it is difficult is an unsound moral…
Bill McKibben’s essay “The Only Way to Have a Cow” establishes a sense of comfort as his approach to the meat eating controversy is superbly logical. The current industrial approach to livestock has birthed an issue pertaining to the sustainability and healthy feeding of our lives. Yet there is another problem in relation to our consumption, which tends to be overlooked. If the pricing of meat reflected in the damage done to our environments, feedlot beef would cost more than grass-fed beef both financially and environmentally. It is the rapid, inhumane dietary feeding of the cow which is insulting, not the consumption of it, and taking no responsibility for the run-off is an offense to the earth and it’s inhabitants. These costs alone are part of the reasoning for the current system which is inefficient and uneconomically feasible. The…