Tris Prior constantly analyzed the attributions of others and would philosophize about their meaning. Afterwards, she developed an instinct that allowed her to implement these traits into various scenarios. Unlike the majority, Tris Prior had a strong mind, will, and bravado. For instance, on page 405, the text states “’We’ve all started to put down the virtues of the other factions in the process of bolstering our own. I don’t want to do that. I want to be brave, and selfless, and smart, and kind, and honest.’” This quote was created by Tris and another Divergent by the name of Four. The two of them were very open minded. As a result, they believed that it was unjust to confine people to one behavior for the rest of their lives. In addition, Tris mentioned how nobody cared for the factions that differentiated from their own because society made it a regulation to be loyal. Tris and Four illustrated the central idea since they opposed all the standards that the population followed. The Divergents exemplified that acquiring one personal characteristic would not be as beneficial when compared to an array of them. To add, the society was presented in a form that was extremely dull. The people of Chicago acted as if they were robots. The government was proud of this since they wanted a unified whole that would not rebel. This clearly portrays how the people were
Tris Prior constantly analyzed the attributions of others and would philosophize about their meaning. Afterwards, she developed an instinct that allowed her to implement these traits into various scenarios. Unlike the majority, Tris Prior had a strong mind, will, and bravado. For instance, on page 405, the text states “’We’ve all started to put down the virtues of the other factions in the process of bolstering our own. I don’t want to do that. I want to be brave, and selfless, and smart, and kind, and honest.’” This quote was created by Tris and another Divergent by the name of Four. The two of them were very open minded. As a result, they believed that it was unjust to confine people to one behavior for the rest of their lives. In addition, Tris mentioned how nobody cared for the factions that differentiated from their own because society made it a regulation to be loyal. Tris and Four illustrated the central idea since they opposed all the standards that the population followed. The Divergents exemplified that acquiring one personal characteristic would not be as beneficial when compared to an array of them. To add, the society was presented in a form that was extremely dull. The people of Chicago acted as if they were robots. The government was proud of this since they wanted a unified whole that would not rebel. This clearly portrays how the people were