operate the equipment is very important , here is the jaw crusher manufacturers in india
maintenance points on the vertical roller mill process experience raised some attention
should be paid based on years of equipment manufacturing .
Vibration : vibration roller mill work is prevalent , and reasonably vibration is allowed,
but if the vibration is too large , it will cause damage to the disc and roller machinery ,
as well as ancillary equipment and measuring instruments to destroy the material . layer of
uneven thickness vibration is the main reason , for other reasons as well : the mill there
are large metal objects ; grinding too much pressure ; damage resistant parts ; accumulator
charging pressure ranges ; insufficient ventilation wear .
In the operation should be strictly controlled within the allowable range of vibration to
create the prerequisites for the stable operation.
Material thickness : vertical mill Another important factor is the stable operation of the
bed stable layer material stability, wind, air pressure and volume of feed to stabilize , or
we need to maintain the material thickness by adjusting the air volume and the volume of feed
. If not promptly adjust the vibration will cause increased motor load stop jumping up or
system problems . In theory, the material thickness should be the diameter of the roller 2%
± 20mm, the vertical roller mill diameter 3000 mm, thus 60 ± 20 mm material thickness is
appropriate . In addition , the optimum thickness of material depends primarily on the
quality of raw materials , such as moisture content , particle size , particle size
distribution and grindability . Initial operation , in order to find the best material
thickness , gauge rings have debugging height . And of dam height under certain conditions ,
one of the important conditions for