To become a certified veterinary technician one must attend a two or three year American Veterinarian Medical Association (AVMA) accredited veterinary technician program. After earning the associate’s degree in the technology program one must then take their state board exam, in the state in which they live so they can license practice. In this exam there are oral, written and practical portions. Currently there are 40 states and provinces that certify and register licensed technicians. Volunteering at a vet clinic is the most rewarding opportunity that one could ever have. I have been volunteering in one for three years. Recently a job opportunity has opened for me to be able to work part time walking dogs, cleaning kennels, administering medications and giving baths as a kennel helper which is a good experience towards my goal to be a veterinary technician.
Employment of veterinary technicians is expected to grow 52% from 2010 to 2020. This is much faster than the average for all other occupations. A growing pet population is going to require more people to work in this field. In rural areas job opportunities are expected to be excellent. On average veterinary technician’s make $29,710 per year or $14.28 per hour. Similar occupations are animal care and service workers, medical and clinical laboratory technologists and technicians, veterinary assistants, and veterinarians.
Veterinary technician’s duties that are performed on a daily basis and some of the most important are the preliminary examinations of the patient as well as getting a complete medical history of that patient. This helps the doctor begin the diagnosis process