Resources utilized in the critical strategic plan enable an organization, such as a healthcare system like the VHA, to accomplish the actions essential to the needs of the organization. When the Administration of the VHA constructed a critical strategic plan, they fashioned three goals and seventeen objectives that is imperative to providing quality care to the veterans. Serving as a primary guide this strategic plan directs the use of planning, budgeting, performance management, and alignment of care across all components of the VA’s healthcare system. With these identifiable goals, the VHA Administration is able to keep the care consistent with the mission statement of the Veterans Affairs (VA): “Honor America's Veterans by providing exceptional health care that improves their health and well-being,” (VHA, …show more content…
McDonald, Secretary of Veterans Affairs, has established a model within the VHA of health care that is personalized, proactive and patient driven to align with the proposal of the Strategic Capital Investment Planning (SCIP). By blending the three strategic planning priorities Mr. McDonald believes the more veterans will have access to healthcare services, that meet and recognize the uniqueness of their needs, including the needs of their families. Under Mr. McDonald has the confidence that with continuation of attentiveness of the three priorities the VHA will see corrections in the practices with in the specialist healthcare system. In the end, for the VHA to grow and move past the stigma of outdated care Veteran Affairs must continue to work at acknowledging that the critical strategies priorities and critical resource priorities are parallel with the immortal words of Abraham Lincoln's second inaugural address for which the mission is founded from. “To care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan” by serving and honoring the men and women who are America’s