Several people from the third world become a victim of an acid attack. The victim’s life has changed tremendously, which is what the photographer shows with his world-known pictures. On Ebrahim Noroozi’s photoseries you see a mom named Somayeh and her daughter, Rana and what acid has done to their faces. Now they most stay by themselves and take care of themselves.
It is hard for me to understand some people will walk up to you to pour acid on you. Somayeh looked like an average citizen before she got attacked. That time she was living with her daughter and husband who told her she would not look like herself, if she got divorced. His threat was serious since he threw acid on her and her daughter’s body. Today both girls look inhuman to a normal looking person. Since 18 months ago when the acid attack happened, their life have been in danger, and they are still fighting. The victim’s skin look deeply burned, and if that is the case, they are very predisposed to diseases. It is easy to become sick when they live at a farm in a poor environment. Everything looks sad in the pictures, so you wonder if they have any hope left.
Somayeh socialized with people before the attack. Somayeh’s has changed tremendously from the picture before the attack till now and so has her daugher’s condition. Rana wears a glass eye, and she covers the other eye she is missing with her hat. Rana is holding hands with her mom, and her face is covered entirely, when she walks across the street. Somayeh only comes out to undergo surgeries, and a woman is holding her hand to leading direction. Their new identity has taken a part of their esteem needs, being one of the basic needs from Maslow’s pyramid. The pyramid of Maslow is a good way to find their challenges to surviving. The victims need self-esteem when covering their faces and isolating themselves. It gives the impression Somayeh does not believe in improvements of herself to find a job or something that makes