There are three concepts in regards to social control of youth that have been introduced by different sociologists. One concept is called “governance through crime” by Jonathan Simon. The second concept is Victor Rios’ “youth control complex”. The third concept is “school to prison pipeline” by Aaron Kupchick. All of these concepts are connected. The first concept is “governance through crime” by Simon. This concept states that the justice systems have become more punitive in an attempt to sympathize with victims and also to respond to public fears. This concept is being used not only in neighborhoods but also in the school system. The second concept by Rios is the “youth control complex”. This concept deems poor youth of color are deviant and incompetent to participate in society and are presumed to be criminals. This system should offer these youth support in the form of social, emotional and educational help but instead it manages and incarcerates them. The third concept is the “school to prison pipeline” by Kupchik. It states that students are more …show more content…
Each concept discusses how schools are punishing students more severely, especially students that are minorities. The article discusses how schools are suspending and arresting students for minor offenses, especially young black males. “For example, studies show that African-American students were three times more likely to be suspended than white students during the 2009-10 school year, largely for nonviolent offenses including disruptive or disrespectful behavior, tardiness, profanity and dress code violations -- behavior that occurs on a daily basis in most schools” (Mediratta 2014). One study also showed that even one suspension can lead a student to drop out of school and that can lead them into the juvenile justice system. This is an example of Kupchik’s “school to prison