The beginning of the Victorian Period is dated sometimes as 1832 (the passage of the first Reform Bill) and sometimes as 1837 (the accession of Queen Victoria). It extends to the death of Victoria in 1901. But when we refer the history book of W. J. Long and literary terms of M. H. Abraham, we find that the period between 1850 -1900 is regarded as the Victorian Period, which is also known as the Age of Compromise and the Age of Peace and Prosperity. When Victoria came on the throne of England in 1837, English literature seemed to have entered into a period of lean years. Only sweet memories and poetic fruitfulness by the Romantic poets were remained, while the poets had passed away. It seemed that no writer was there in England to fulfill their place. But later on we find that Alfred Tennyson and Robert Browning have tried to fulfill that empty place. The main characteristics of this Age are:
The progress of democracy
Peace and prosperity
The slaved had been freed
Social unrest
Spread of education
Industrial revolution
Humanistic approach
Age of compromise
This Period was marked by freedom from wars and internal strife. The calmness of the Age made the people lovers of tradition rather them those longing for revolution or any radical changes. It was the time of the advancement of science and the development of a scientific temper of mind. But it brought a challenge to the old values of life and the Christian way of life, values, assurance regarding redemption and salvation, like genesis etc. began to be looked upon with an element of doubt. Commerce and trade had greatly progressed because of the Industrial Revolution, but finally it resulted into social and economic revolution, rise of new class of factory and mill owners, class division etc. The factory and mill owners got wealth never dreamt of it before and another class was of that workers and laborers. This started the business of exploitation of