Thank You!
ERIKA YOLLYN R. SANTIAGOthe Respondents, You have been chosen by the Researcher to answer a survey questionnaire to finish her thesis study entitled “Viewpoints of Female SBSN Seniors on Opposite Sex Relationship in Relation to Their Academic Performance”. In Connection to this, the researcher is asking for your full cooperation and pure honesty in answering the attached questionnaire. The answers furthermore will be treated with full confidentiality and will not affect your grade in any aspect.
Thank You!
ERIKA YOLLYN R. SANTIAGOthe Respondents, You have been chosen by the Researcher to answer a survey questionnaire to finish her thesis study entitled “Viewpoints of Female SBSN Seniors on Opposite Sex Relationshthe Respondents, You have been chosen by the Researcher to answer a survey questionnaire to finish her thesis study entitled “Viewpoints of Female SBSN Seniors on Opposite Sex Relationship in Relation to Their Academic Performance”. In Connection to this, the researcher is asking for your full cooperation and pure honesty in answering the attached questionnaire. The answers furthermore will be treated with full confidentiality and will not affect your grade in any aspect.
Thank You!
ERIKA YOLLYN R. SANTIAGO ip in Relation to Their Academic Performance”. In Connection to this, the researcher is askinthe Respondents, You have been chosen by the Researcher to answer a survey questionnaire to finish her thesis study entitled “Viewpoints of Female