During one of his seizures, he cut a part of his ear when he tried attack his friend. Van Gogh self-checked himself in an asylum and while he stayed he was able to finish three artworks, one of them being “The Starry Night,” in which he later describes to his brother as unsatisfactory and not even a little good. Many artist tend to despise their artwork because they cannot capture the image they see in their head onto the canvas. Vincent van Gogh was able to visually depict turbulence which can be portrayed in some of his painting, it is also a complex mathematical principle. Despite putting his painting as “not good enough,” van Gogh continued to thrive in the arts with his mental illnesses. Vincent van Gogh loved living but he often questioned if it was worth it, yet he continued on until 1890. I admire this of van Gogh, he had unbelievably lows of the lows and he conquered them, until he could no longer fight, that is strength few people posses, yet so many …show more content…
I would like to do the same, whether the change be big or small, I would like to live and pass on knowing I was able to change the world, even if it was just one person. Although van Gogh claimed “the sadness will last forever,” I am pleased to know there are flowers growing around his tomb, giving him the color and peace he deserved; maybe his sadness followed where he went, and maybe those who deserve happiness will never receive it in another life. However, I admire Vincent van Gogh for being a man who lived and fought with illnesses that plague the mind and are not easy to live with, who did not give up and continued to strive to be better and was honest enough to continue being an artist. I thank him for passing the knowledge that life will not always be eccentric, that sometimes you will find your peace in the middle of chaos and misery, and that is