References: Centerwall, B (1992). "Television and Violence: The scale of the problem and where to go form here." Journal of the American Medical Association. 267: 3059-3061 Huesmann, L.R. 1986. Psychological process promoting the relation between exposure to medial violence and aggressive behaviour by the viewer. Journal of social issues 42, 125-139. Joy, L.A., M.N. Kimball and M.L. Zabrack. 1986. Television and children 's aggressive behaviour. A Natural Experiment in Three Communities. Orlando, FL: Academic Press. Singer, D. and J. Singer. 1986 Family experiences and television viewing as predictors of children 's imagination. Journal of Social Issues 42, 107-124. Center for media Literacy (1999). [Online]. Available: Howe, Michael J (1983). Television in American Society. New York: Franklin Watts Co. Husemann, Rowell L. (1977). Television and Children. London: New York University Education Door, Palmer (1985). "Social Channels Tune T.V 's effects." Science News Carter, Douglas (1980). Children and the Faces of television. New York: Academic Press. Cheyney, Glenn (1984). Violence. Boston: Little, Brown and Co.
References: Centerwall, B (1992). "Television and Violence: The scale of the problem and where to go form here." Journal of the American Medical Association. 267: 3059-3061 Huesmann, L.R. 1986. Psychological process promoting the relation between exposure to medial violence and aggressive behaviour by the viewer. Journal of social issues 42, 125-139. Joy, L.A., M.N. Kimball and M.L. Zabrack. 1986. Television and children 's aggressive behaviour. A Natural Experiment in Three Communities. Orlando, FL: Academic Press. Singer, D. and J. Singer. 1986 Family experiences and television viewing as predictors of children 's imagination. Journal of Social Issues 42, 107-124. Center for media Literacy (1999). [Online]. Available: Howe, Michael J (1983). Television in American Society. New York: Franklin Watts Co. Husemann, Rowell L. (1977). Television and Children. London: New York University Education Door, Palmer (1985). "Social Channels Tune T.V 's effects." Science News Carter, Douglas (1980). Children and the Faces of television. New York: Academic Press. Cheyney, Glenn (1984). Violence. Boston: Little, Brown and Co.