Gina A. Rose
American Intercontinental University
With the tremendous increased use of technology over the past several years there are several harmful side effects affecting our children (aggression, obesity, and radiation emissions). Without proper supervision children will over use these technologies and expose themselves to a number of dangers.
Technology is Harming Our Children
There should be restrictions on the amount of exposure children have with personal digital technology (laptops, smart phones, tablets, televisions, etc.). Parents should monitor the amount of time and content of their children’s exposure …show more content…
This study also states that 65% of children have televisions in their bedrooms (Nielsenwire, 2009; Rideout, Vandewater, & Wartella, 2003; Roberts, Foehr, Rideout, & Brodie, 1999. Television shows targeted towards infants and toddlers occupy between 2 and 5 hours a day, and 60% of households have the television on all day (Nielsenwire, 2009; Rideout et al., 2003). With all of this access the time children spend playing outside is tremendously reduced and without participating in these activities they won’t be able to maintain a healthy weight and do not develop proper motor skills. There was also a study done on Finnish twins born in 1983-1987 they were giving a questionnaire at the age of 17 during 2000-2005 and results showed that there was an increased risk of obesity in correlation with the time spent using home computers (Lajunen, H., Keski-Rahkonen, A., Pulkkinen, L., Rose, R. J., Rissanen, A., & Kapri, …show more content…
The psychiatric effects of violence in the media., April, 2011
Coyne, S. M., & Archer, J. (2004). Indirect aggression in the media: A content analysis of British television programmes. Aggressive Behaviour, 30, 254-271.
Huesmann, L. R., Moise-Titus J., Podolski, C. L. & Eron, L. D. (2003). Longitudinal relations between children’s exposure to TV violence and their aggressive and violent behaviour in young adulthood: 1977-1992. Developmental Psychology, 39(2), 201-221.
Lajunen, H., Keski-Rahkonen, A., Pulkkinen, L., Rose, R. J., Rissanen, A., & Kapri, J. (2007). Are computer and cell phone use associated with body mass index and overweight? A population study among twin adolescents. BMC Public Health, 7, 8-24. doi:10.1186/1471-2458-7-24
Neilsenwire. (2009). Americans watching more TV than ever: Web and mobile video up too. Retrieved December 12, 2009, from bttp://