Children encounter a large variety of risks when using the internet, Mobile phones and other similar technologies. The majority of people (Approximately 90%) when asked would mention the same big 3 concerns about their Child and the risks and consequences of them using the internet, mobile phones and other tech. They are Stranger Danger, Pornography and Bullying. These are common but there are also a few more things that could potentially happen below are some descriptions of a few risks and consequences.
Stranger Danger
This has to be one of the main concerns of all parents when their child starts to use all this wondrous modern technology that we have now. Child are at risk of entering chat rooms to talk about everyday things with who they think are like minded young people but this isn’t always the case. On chat rooms you can get potential paedophiles posing as children. The consequences are that the child could be kidnapped, harmed, sexually abused or assaulted and even killed. Also for adults it can be a precarious time as with the above of adults posing as children you will always get Children trying to pose as adults. Which for the child to them is seen as a giggle or a bit of fun but it can lead to the adult being arrested and questioned about behaviour online. So not only should you be aware of whom your children are speaking to online also who they are being online as well.
With every society there will always be crime and with more children having more and more new gadgets that are must have then the crime rate against children will go up. This can lead to children getting physically hurt and mentally hurt as well. It can also make the child want to hurt someone for the item that another child has got. You have to focus on what is an acceptable amount of tech your child takes out with them also they need to be aware