In the article Incentives for Violence in NHL Hockey written by Mathias Vorell, Vorell says “hockey players are generally taught early in there athletic career to play in an aggressive mannor.” That being said, the training the players receive is one reason for violence, but is not fully linked to the actions of the players. Most hockey games do not penalize players for fighting because it is not considered to be directly linked to player injury (Incentives for Violence). Since players are not penalized for fighting, they (players) are free to fight, and most likely do so to express themselves as a player. Overall, violence in hockey is dependent on the players, and the players most likely fight to express themselves to their …show more content…
Hockey is long stood for being a game where pushing and shoving and even a fight breaking out is highly likely to happen. Some people claim that if the rules of hockey took away violence, then it wouldn’t really be hockey. Though controversial, the same thoughts are considered for other games like lacrosse and football. That being said, there are traditions per se associated with sports, and violence is one that is linked with hockey. Although unfortunate, violence is a reality that tends to be the nature of