According to Siebecker & Swearer, the three types of bullying behavior that is generally observed by researchers and psychologists are 1) behavior that is intended to cause harm, 2) the behavior continues over a period of time, and 3) there is an imbalance of power (2011). Bullies can exclude others, make fun of, ignore, lie about, and even steal from and assault their targets. These behaviors can be physical or verbal and carry equally negative consequences. Bullying can be direct or indirect. It is important as a counselor and a service to our students, to be aware of the prevalence of this toxic behavior and…
How to support the victim, family members and how to handle the bully with suspected or alleged bullying When bullying is alleged or suspected we must consider how to approach and deal with those who are affected by the issue; this includes the bully, the family of both parties and the victim especially. How to support the victim If you suspect any bullying to be occurring, you must attempt to get the child to open up and talk to you. As a professional you could promptly ask the child sentences such as "is everything feeling okay? You look quite upset this morning", if you directly start the conversation by asking the child are they being bullied they might tend to not tell you as they may feel threatened or scared.…
Counselor, teachers, and parents need to have talks with the children and give them advice and understanding how to stop and avoid bullying. Explain walking away from a bully and standing up to them as well. Maintaining a strong sense of self and good overall self-esteem and building your self esteem are other ways to prevent children from becoming a…
Throughout the time of this happening, it is vital that the communication between the school and parents of the victim is flowing well, telling the school in any sudden changes, so that the school can adjust or prepare for whatever may occur during the day. There are many ways which practitioners or the school can handle a bully, this could include things such as: - a warning, calling the bully’s parents by phone and having a chat, detention during or after school time, asking the bully’s parents to come into school, internal exclusion, a term exclusion or even a permanent exclusion meaning they cannot return to the school. When bullying is happening within the school or out on the playground, it can be asked that the supervision to be increased. Observations can be made of the bully whilst inside of the school or outside on the yard, making a record of everything he/she…
If you see any bullying, stop it right away, even if your child is the one doing the bullying. Encourage your child to help others who need it. Don't bully your children or bully others in front of them, kids who are bullied at home react by bullying other kids. If your children see you hit, ridicule, or gossip about someone else, they are also more likely to do so themselves. Support bully prevention programs in your child's school.…
First, bullies are not just in American Schools, they are all over the world in each and every different school. It doesn’t matter what ethnicity one is bullying takes place based on many different levels. According to Kasetchai Laeheem students who are bullied by other students are usually injured, suffered and don’t want to go to school. These kids feel in some way that life is not worth it and this is where we as parents, teachers, counselors and peers need to step in and put a stop to bullying.…
In conclusion, please don't raise your child to be a bully. Let them know to embrace each other's differences. Allow them to hear different point of views from different kinds of people, but always let them know that racism and bullying of any sort is definitely unacceptable. The words you use toward someone can shape them into who they are. For example with me, I learned that I need to clean up and resturants so I won't be called names which the cleaning aspect isn't bad at all. Still you can grow tired of always being judged and hurt by others over a…
Bullying is a serious matter and should be strongly dealt with. Even if the child has not yet faced any such situation it is important to explain him such prevalent behaviors in the society and ways to tackle it. If left unattended, this childhood problem can have serious effects on the personality of the child throughout his life. This explains the situation and measures should be taken to prevent this prior to it becoming a serious…
Some of them are: telling a trusted person, make a joke and laugh at yourself, walk away, surround yourself with supportive friends, or avoid places where you was bullied. Remember if you stick to all of these alternatives you resist the possibility of someone bullying you. Adults should help children understand about bullying by keeping the lines of communication open and encourages children that even though someone is different or act differently they deserve the right to be treated with kindness and respect. It is the responsibility of the family, school, and the community to develop a bullying prevention training to provide individuals with research-based tools and resources to ongoing effective bullying programs for our…
One of the first things you can do is set up a disciplinary chart where you can track people who get in trouble for bullying other students. This system could be used to figure out what kids are repeat offenders and discipline them greatly. By doing this, the bully will want to stop more so he doesn’t get in as much trouble. Also, teachers could be notified of each students bullying sheet so if they see something starting, but it doesn’t seem that bad, they can take action right away. It is sort of like nipping it in the bud.…
Bullying has become an epidemic, and it needs to come to an end. If people will stand up for each other and protect each other, I believe bullying would cease to be effective. It preys on those who do not have the confidence to defend themselves. Often times, the bully hurts others as a way of protecting himself. He believes that if he attacks others, then they will not know he himself is hurting, or has been hurt in the past. It becomes a coping mechanism for him. The biggest thing to keep in mind is that bullying should not be responded to with more violence. They need to be shown love, but firm love. A love that says, “I love you enough to not let you continue down this path. Let me show you another way.” Then you are not only l protecting those that the bully hurts, but also you are protecting the bully himself in the long run.…
In today's society it is hard for schools and adults to properly identify and deal with bullying. It is hard to ignore the fact that most bullying goes unnoticed or unreported in schools, a place where adults are constantly present. With the exposure bullying has gotten in recent years people would think that schools have sophisticated methods of dealing with bullying, however this is not the case in most schools. Throughout many schools it can be seen that not enough is done to resolve the bullying and harassment happening on a day to day bases. Many schools work very hard in hopes that one day bullying will end, but it is hard for schools to know what to classify as bullying or harassment, since most of it can start outside of school grounds…
"Please stop hitting me! You're hurting me!" Children are bullied because they are different in some way. According to, students may be bullied because of their religion, race, or a disabilities. Students might become a bully because of something that is happening at their home like abuse, they're are being bullied themselves, or they have not learned the common rules of respect. Bullies are worse than bystanders because they lose trust in others, they will feel abundant amount of guilt, they are the reason why the victim kills themselves, and they will have to suffer a big consequence. Being a bully is not the answer…
There have been many efforts to help stop bullying. There are several websites to help children and teenagers become more aware of bullying and how to report it if they are being bullied or if someone else is being bullied. Just a few of the websites are,, and There also several organizations to help with this epidemic. The National Center for Bullying Prevention and The Trevor Project are just a couple of the organizations that are dedicated to stopping…
According to Banks, “…fifteen percent of students are either bullied regularly or initiators of bullying behavior.” The students that bullying are the children that have a need to feel powerful and in control. Most children that bullies are the children that were physically punished and because of the parents actions, the child now believes that striking back physically is the only way to handle their problems.…