10 Up and Art & Logic are two of successful virtual team companies. As a young company, 10 Up already has 60 full-time employees of its virtual team, which helps clients develop and maintain websites. Art & Logic is a virtual team for the software development company (Brie, 2014). The stuff said,“The tools, infrastructure, and work practices that we’ve adopted over the years let us work together effectively, efficiently, and very collaboratively without regard to the physical distances between any two of us.”
Since this decade , scholars and practitioners have often used the “virtual” word in the discussion of manage issues(Vaccaro et al., 2008). At the same time, they also summarize the advantages and disadvntages for a virtual team (Anderson et al., 2007). A virtual team operates more flexible than other traditional teams that enhances or shrink on demand at all times (Tim, 2013). However as a disadvantage, a virtual team is particularly enable to mistrust and misunderstand, communication break downs, conflicts, and power struggles (Rosen et al., 2007). Table 1 illustrates some of the main advantages and disadvantages for a virtual team.
Table 1 The main advantages and disadvantages for a virtual team
(Tim, 2013)